Bruce Willis and M. Night Shyamalan Teaming Up Again

Bruce Willis and M. Night Shamalan

According to Rotten Tomatoes, M. Night Shyamalan is 3/6 on making good movies and two of the three good ones starred Bruce Willis. But Shyamalan’s last three movies are the three people don’t seem to like, so his just-announced top secret project with Bruce means he must be trying to figure out what’s been missing recently. Just in case John McClane is too old to make a movie good by himself anymore, Shyamalan has also roped Bradley Cooper and Gwyneth Paltrow into his newest twist-fest, which makes it sounds pretty exciting. We don’t know anything else about the movie because the famously-secretive Shyamalan won’t let even high level studio execs read the script without his assistant present, so let’s just hope the twist isn’t that it actually sucks. My guess? Bruce Willis is actually Bradley Cooper in the future. Or maybe it’s that Gwyneth Paltrow actually has a digestive system. It’s hard to say at this point.