‘Silicon Valley: Billionaire’: Top 10 Tips & Cheats You Need to Know

6. Take Over Other Companies

Silicon Valley: Billionaire

• Merge other companies and make them your subsidiaries. Conquer Silicon Valley and become the Billionaire you dreamed of.

7. Turn On Your Notification Alarm

Silicon Valley: Billionaire

• Keep yourself alert for hostile takeovers and minimize the financial damage to your company by taking quick actions.

8. Block Opponent’s Bids to Take Over Your Company

Silicon Valley: Billionaire

• Be on the lookout for opponents trying to acquire your company. Buy shields to prevent sale of your company.

9. Increase Revenue by Running Ads

Silicon Valley: Billionaire

• Make your company be known to the world. Run sponsored video and image ads to increase exposure.

10. Donate

Silicon Valley: Billionaire

• Earn karma by giving money to good causes and watch yourself prosper.