WORKOUT: Fat-Burning 4-Minute Tabata Routine

What is Tabata?

Tabata is a method of high-intensity interval training that was first developed for elite athletes. In only 4 minutes, research shows that Tabata can boost your resting metabolism, burn more fat, and increase your aerobic and anaerobic capacity more than traditional 60-minute workouts.

Tabata was developed in Japan by Professor Izumi Tabata for Olympic speedskaters. A Tabata workout requires you to do an aerobic exercise as hard as you can for 20 seconds and then take a 10 second rest. You continue this for four minutes. It sounds simple, but it’s very high intensity and you must go “all out” during the exercises. You need to elevate your heart rate to its maximum capacity to reap the benefits. (Read: you should be in intense pain and gasping for breath at the end.)

This Tabata workout video features trainer Brad Gouthro of Live Lean TV on the Brooklyn Bridge.

Tabata Exercises Featured in this Video:

Knee Tucks
The “Surfer”
Burpee with Star Jump
Jumping Floor Taps

*Please only attempt a true Tabata workout if you exercise regularly and can do these moves safely.