Mariah Carey says ‘Sh*t’ on TV After Boob Pops Out of Dress [WATCH]

Today in a live appearance on Good Morning America, Mariah Carey had various wardrobe malfunctions and then said “sh*t” on live TV….more than once. Like three times. Carey herself said it was “a YouTube moment,” but I’d say its more like 10 YouTube moments all jammed packed into one tight dress —  I mean — appearance. Check it out:

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Lets break this down.

First, off-camera Mariah Carey said “Oh sh*t.” Then she continued with, “You didn’t hear that, I said sh*t.” Well, Mariah, if I didn’t hear it that first time I definitely heard it that second time.

But two “s-bombs” weren’t enough for the vivacious pop-singer. Later in the show when Carey was being interviewed on-camera, she said, “Oh shit. Now the back of my dress just popped.” That brings the grand total to three sh*ts. We also had the pleasure of seeing Mariah, and the interviewer, awkwardly holding up Mariah’s boobs while stagehands scrambled to fix the dress.

Mariah Carey Wardrobe Good Morning America

I’d love to say that was the only debacle in Carey’s performance, but alas, the rest of Mariah’s appearance on the morning show was riddled with utter disasters. Riddled, I tell you.

During her performance her microphone apparently wasn’t on: “I didn’t even get a chance to get my microphone on, okay?!”

carey good morning america malfunction

Then she needed serious help coming down the stairs: “Can I get a gentleman to help me out?”  She then proceeded to waddle down while clutching onto the tuxedo-wearing dancer.

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Then her other dress broke.


And as a grand finale, Carey squealed into the microphone like a crazed hyena.

mariah Carey singing good morning america

I think it’s safe to say that Mariah Carey is not a morning person.