Lady Gaga Under Twitter Cyber-Bullying Attack: ‘God Hates Lady Gaga’

Madonna revealed in a harmless interview that she feels Lady Gaga does emulate her a lot, but that she mainly feels flattered and that it’s well done. Somehow, this video interview has been turned into “Madonna Hates Gaga” and our beloved Lady Gaga has responded in the below tweet.

Well, maybe this Madonna thing isn’t the whole story … Over the weekend, Gaga was under attack via Twitter with horrible tweets that said things like “God hates Lady Gaga” and “Lady Gaga is on drugs.” Read Gaga’s responses to the awful tweets below.

Lady Gaga Twitter Bullying Tweets, God Hates Lady Gaga, Madonna Hates Lady Gaga


Let this raise awareness about cyber-bullying. Even amazing artists like Lady Gaga can fall victim. But, be sure to follow Gaga who stands up for herself and successfully carries on. Bravo, Gaga!