the young and the restless cast, the young and the restless actors, abby abbott photos
Abby — pictured above in Monday’s Y&R episode — learns the hard truth about Stitch and Ashley. (CBS Screenshot)

The Young and the Restless (Y&R) Spoilers: Abby Gets Hurt

Genoa City relationships are immensely tested when The Young and the Restless returns on Monday with an all-new episode; especially the Newman-Abbott rivalry.

Jack (Peter Bergman) — amped up last week by his hot-head brother Billy (Burgess Jenkins) — begins taking off his gloves in the fight against Victor (Eric Braeden).

Also, Stitch (Sean Carrington) and Abby’s (Melissa Ordway) future doesn’t look so bright when the former comes clean about his deep feelings for Ashley (Eileen Davidson)

Here’s what you need to know for Monday, December 14, 2015:

Stitch Puts His Wedding in Jeopardy

the young and the restless cast, the young and the restless actors, abby abbott photos Abby — pictured above in Monday’s Y&R episode — learns the hard truth about Stitch and Ashley. (CBS Screenshot)

While Abby is undoubtedly overdue for a successful relationship — after four failed loves — her current one with Stitch appears headed for a similar outcome. Abby’s life has changed dramatically since her last with Tyler (Redaric Williams); great career and plans for an over-the-top wedding. However, Stitch pulls the carpet from underneath her when speaking the truth about his love for Ashley.

“I told your mother I loved her.”

Abby — caught by surprise after learning this — queries her mother about the situation between herself and Stitch.

“Do you love Ben?”

After attempting to expedite Abby and Stitch’s wedding for her own closure, Ashley now realizes that it’s fair that her daughter knows the whole truth.

“You want the truth? I’m gonna tell you the truth”

According to Soap Shows, this may permanently put this mother-daughter bond “in deep trouble.”

Clearly hurt, Abby confronts Stitch about their future together.

“You think there’s gonna be a wedding after this?”

Jack May Risk Jail Time to Take Down Victor

the young and the restless cast, the young and the restless actors, Jack abbott photos Jack just may bite off more than he can chew with his newfound aggressiveness against Victor Newman. (CBS Screenshot)

Fans of The Young and the Restless know far too well what transpires when the Newmans are at the Abbotts throats. However, Jack begins fighting fire with fire against Victor and his deceptive ways.

According to the Christian Post, Jack wants “to embark on a ‘tell-all’ journey” to expose Victor for all his secrets and lies.

However, if Jack decides to go down this path, he may open himself up to prison time for Kelly’s (Cynthia Watross) death.

The Young and the Restless airs Monday thru Friday on CBS. Be sure to check back with Heavy for all the latest spoilers.



The Young and the Restless (Y&R) Spoilers: Abby Gets Hurt

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