A new shocking video shows an intense similarity between some of “It” girl Amy Schumer’s jokes and earlier gags from comedians. The clip is entitled Amy Schumer is a Joke Thief and it first appeared on Vimeo on the morning of January 20, according to Daily Dot.
The scandal was first reported by comedy blog The Interrobang on January 18 when they said that comedian Wendy Liebman had written on Twitter, “Between Amy Schumer doing 1 of my best jokes on her HBO special and this meme of my joke, I’m done with social media.” The meme showed a model doing one of Liebman’s jokes uncredited.
This didn’t go unnoticed by comedian Chuck Martin who suggested that Liebman talk to Kathleen Madigan about her experiences with Schumer. Comedian Tammy Pescatelli then also joined the conversation in now-deleted tweets, according to Interrobang, saying, “That has always been amazing to me is that she purports to be a feminist and yet only steals from other female comedians. If we call her on it we are “jealous” or career shamed. Be successful. WE want you to do well, just do it will your own material.BTW she blocked me.” Although many of the tweets at the center of this conversation have been deleted, this one remains on Tammy Pescatelli’s page:
It’s believed that Pablo Picasso once said, “Good artists borrow, great artists steal.” However, coincidentally, who first said that quote is still up for debate.
WATCH: Does Amy Schumer Steal Her Jokes?