Some “Big Brother” houseguests recently got in on some TikTok fun with a game of Pass the Phone, started by Janelle Pierzina. Watch the hilarious video below — the shade game is strong with these houseguests. It is also a sad reminder of how great all-stars could have been with a better cast. But anyway…
McCreae Olson’s Dig is the Best
In the video, the “Big Brother” alumni take turns “passing the phone” to each other for a TikTok video, it’s one of the latest memes on the social media platform. Here is what they had to say:
Janelle Pierzina, BB 6, 7, 14, and 22: “I’m gonna pass the phone to someone whose help I really could’ve used last summer and who absolutely deserved to be on ‘Big Brother: All-Stars.’ She’s as OG as it gets.”
Rachel Reilly, BB 12 and 13: “Thanks, Janelle! Don’t I wish? As I always say, ‘Floaters grab a life vest!’ I’m passing the phone to the person that probably needs to take a shower and will forever be known as the pizza boy.”
McCrae Olson, BB 15: “I’m passing the phone to someone who had the most powerful power in ‘Big Brother’ history… and then chose to use it on Kathy.”
Matt Hoffman, BB 12: “I’m passing the phone to someone who can’t stop not making jury.”
Kaysar Ridha, BB 6, 7, and 22: “I’m gonna pass the phone to someone who went on the Whole 30 diet to get fit for ‘Big Brother All-Stars’ only to get on the show and eat three pounds of M&Ms on Day 29.
Pierzina: “Eating my feelings. Guilty, guilty.”
A Quick Explainer
For those of you who didn’t get all of the jokes, here’s a quick explainer. Pierzina saying Reilly “deserved” to be on all-stars is a bit misleading — she absolutely did deserve to be on the season, but she couldn’t participate because she was pregnant. She and her husband Brandon Villegas, a fellow “Big Brother” alum, welcomed their second child in November.
Reilly’s “grab a life vest” is a reference to her infamous tirade after she won Head of Household in week four of “Big Brother 12.” It was an epic fight between her and Kristen Bitting — and it did result in Bitting’s eviction, though Reilly was the next person out in week five.
Olson’s slam on Hoffman’s power was also a reference to “Big Brother 12.” In that season, Hoffman won the Diamond Power of Veto, which allows the user to not only take someone off the block but name the replacement nominee. He used it to take himself off the block in week six, but instead of targeting a major player, he used it on Kathy Hillis, who wasn’t a threat to win anything.
Hoffman’s slam on Ridha is a reference to him playing the game three times and never making it to the jury house. In Ridha’s first two seasons, he was the last houseguest evicted before the jury.
And Ridha’s jab at Pierzina is a reference to this:
Big Brother U.S. returns in summer 2021 for its 23rd season. Big Brother Canada returned for its ninth season on March 3.
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WATCH: ‘Big Brother’ Alums Play Pass the Phone Game