Nearly a year after the second season of their show, “Building Roots,” premiered on HGTV, stars Ben and Cristi Dozier have announced their series is over. In a social media post on September 4, 2024, the couple revealed that they “won’t be producing any new seasons” and will focus their energy on their renovation work and entrepreneurial endeavors in southern Colorado.
The Doziers did not elaborate on whether the decision came from them or HGTV. At the time of publication, HGTV had not responded to Heavy’s request for comment, but plenty of fans have expressed how upset they are about the show ending.
“Show or no show, we’re still doing what we’ve always done,” the Doziers wrote in their post, uploaded to the Instagram feed for their design and renovation company, Building Roots Co. “Just a bunch of misfits making it up as we go, building roots, chasing dreams and telling a better story.”
‘Building Roots’ Stars Say They’re ‘Exploring New Adventures’
The Doziers’ post featured a series of photos with them and another couple, Justin and Mary Adkission, who were part of the “Building Roots” series and continue to work with the Doziers on renovations.
“We get asked a lot about new episodes of #buildingroots and while that was one of the most unexpected, authentic, relationship building experiences we’ve ever gotten to be a part of, we won’t be producing any new seasons,” the Doziers wrote in their post. “We appreciate all of you that continue to ask and support, so fun and thank you. Instead, we’re exploring new adventures, stay tuned.”
“Building Roots” premiered in November 2021 and was quickly renewed by HGTV after it was a hit with fans. But the second season didn’t air until September 2023. In between filming their own show, the Doziers also helped Dave and Jenny Marrs renovate a bowling alley in Fort Morgan for “Home Town Takeover.”
Many fans expressed how disappointed they were to learn “Building Roots” won’t be back, including one who wrote, “Sad to hear there are no new shows!! I love your work – it is fantastic. It’s also such a nice change from some of the people that seem to dominate HGTV with multiple shows.”
“This makes me so very sad,” another fan shared. “I hope it was your decision, not hgtv. Will be watching here on IG for sure!!”
Another commented, “Very disappointed ☹️ loved the show . You are all so talented and genuine! Best of luck with all your new projects and adventures!”
Someone else lamented, “My favorite HGTV show! Ugh I’m bummed”
Jenny Marrs Wishes Ben & Cristi Dozier Well on Their Next Adventures
The Doziers launched Root Design Co. in 2004 when they lived in Austin, Texas, according to the company’s website, but they eventually moved their family to a “100 year old historic compound” in Pagosa Springs, along southern Colorado’s San Juan River. They have since also opened The Root House Coffee + Shop and a new company called JoyCrow.
In April 2021, Cristi shared in an Instagram post that they’d been approached by a pair of producers over a year before who were interested in working with them to create a TV show about their life and work. She said their first call with them was “warm & welcoming & curious” and that they continued to have more calls, eventually welcoming a film crew to visit.
The sizzle reel then turned into producing a pilot, and HGTV picked up the series, and Cristi wrote, “I’ve always been more of a behind the scenes person but my husband continually pulls me out of my comfort zone towards risk & adventure. And here we are.”
“Fixer to Fabulous” star Jenny Marrs wished them well in the comment section of their post.
She wrote, “These photos are so beautiful! Sending love for all your future endeavors and I hope you enjoyed some downtime! ❤️”
Fans Crushed as HGTV Couple Announces Their Show Won’t Return