Janelle Brown’s Status in ‘Sister Wives’ Family Clarified by Gwendlyn Brown

Janelle Brown

YouTube "Sister Wives" star Janelle Brown listens as her family argues.

Throughout season 17 of “Sister Wives,” viewers have been speculating about the status of Janelle Brown in relation to the rest of the family. The current episodes showcase Christine Brown’s decision to leave the family patriarch, Kody Brown, and move from Arizona to Utah. These episodes were filmed nearly a year ago, however, which leaves fans wondering if any other big developments have already taken place. Specifically, many TLC fans have speculated Janelle may also have stepped away from her marriage to Kody. After seeming to suggest that was the case, Christine’s daughter Gwendlyn Brown has provided some clarity.

Here’s what you need to know:

Gwendlyn Brown Has Been Spilling the ‘Sister Wives’ Tea

Recently, Christine’s middle daughter Gwen started opening up more online and engaging with “Sister Wives” fans. She dished out some details on the family via TikTok, and she started a Patreon page that quickly built an impressive following. During a TikTok she did with her friend Sarah, it had seemed as if she may have revealed that Janelle had split from Kody as fans had speculated. However, now it seems she has answered the question more directly and done her best to clarify where things stand for Janelle and Kody.

In a recent string of questions and answers with Patreon members, the “Sister Wives” star was asked, “I would like to ask if Janelle has left Kody and if you think Meri will ever leave Kody?” The exchange was shared on the “Sister Wives” Reddit sub, and Gwen replied, “Nobody else has left unfortunately but my hopes are still up!”

In the recent chats Gwen has had with “Sister Wives” fans, she has generally been honest, yet careful in her wording. She has been transparent in sharing her relief that her mother has left Kody, and she has admitted she would like to see Janelle leave too. For now, however, there is nothing official Gwen can reveal on that front. Although plenty of fans think Janelle has made some changes, that has yet to be confirmed by Gwen or anybody else.

Janelle’s Status Is a Popular Topic Among ‘Sister Wives’ Viewers

After Gwen’s comment about how “Nobody else has left,” Redditors shared their opinions. As much as many people believe there are signs suggesting Janelle has, at the very least, distanced herself, all “Sister Wives” fans can do for now is speculate.

“I think she’s still there but they’re not together,” suggested one viewer.

“I am guessing there is still some filtering of current things on the show that she simply cannot reveal. Maybe I’m just being optimistic though, if Janelle is still with him I hope it’s to get her house built,” another fan detailed.

“She’s trapped, financially… I think Janelle really loves Coyote Pass. She wants to live there… And she doesn’t want to give up on the money she has locked into Kody and Robyn. So she’s holding out hope that they’ll pay for the land and help her build. Until then, she’s stuck in ‘the family,’” someone else theorized.

“My wife thinks Janelle will stick around as long as Kody keeps ignoring her and just letting her do her own thing,” another Redditor noted, a possibility many other “Sister Wives” fans seem to agree may be the case.