Pokemon Go: Can Lure Modules Be Placed on Gyms?


The new gyms are now open in Pokemon Go. With the latest update, the way that gyms function has been dramatically changed, starting with the fact they now have Photo Discs on them just like PokeStops. So seeing as they now function like PokeStops, does that mean it’s possible to place a Lure Module on them?

Unfortunately, the answer is no. It is not possible to use a Lure Module on a gym in Pokemon Go. 

This is something Niantic made clear in its initial announcement, as they wrote on their website, “Note that while Gyms function similarly to PokéStops, they don’t have all the same functionality. Lure Modules, for instance, cannot be applied to Gyms.”

However, you now can collect items from gyms by spinning the PhotoDisc, and it appears that gyms have a greater likelihood of giving out items that help in battle like Potions and Revives. As with PokeStops, you’ll have to wait a bit before spinning the PhotoDisc again and getting more items.

You can spin the PhotoDisc of every gym you encounter, not just gyms that are controlled by your team. However, when you do visit a gym controlled by your team, you will earn some bonus items. Plus, you get even greater benefits if you visit a gym owned by your team and you have a Gym Badge, which you gain from interactions with a particular gym. These badges have four tiers, Basic, Bronze, Silver, and Gold, and they’re upgraded the more that you interact with the gym.

“As a reward for your frequent interactions with a Gym, your badge will earn you bonus items when spinning the Photo Disc,” Niantic says on its website.

With the latest update to Pokemon Go, Niantic has changed the dynamic surrounding gyms by introducing a “motivation system,” wherein each Pokemon has a motivation bar that must be depleted through battle. Niantic also plans to introduce a Raid Battle system, but this is not expected to launch for a few weeks.