Dragon Ball FighterZ has enjoyed an unsurprising surge in popularity ever since it’s been revealed.
Longtime followers of the anime and fighting game players have flocked to the game’s avatar filled lobbies to duke it out. The starting roster managed to be pretty good, but there’s always room for more. Bandai Namco Entertainment just dropped two gameplay trailers for the next two characters coming to Dragon Ball FighterZ as DLC – the legendary Super Saiyan Broly and Goku’s father Bardock. Broly’s a walking juggernaut who lays waste to his foes with his “Gigantic Meteor” energy blast. As for Bardock, his most powerful attack (“Revenger Assault”) turns him into a Super Saiyan and sends him full-steam ahead at his opponent. Both of these Saiyan warriors will become available for download on March 28.
You can check out ShonenGamez translation of V-Jump Magazine’s breakdown of both Saiyans below. Also be sure to read up on both Broly and Bardock’s Wiki character bios:

– Broly is the main antagonist in Dragon Ball Z: Broly – The Legendary Super Saiyan and Dragon Ball Z: Broly – Second Coming. He appears to be the latest of the Legendary Super Saiyans who appear every thousand years. His father was Paragus.
– Bardock is a low-class Saiyan warrior, the husband of Gine, and the father of Raditz and Goku. He makes his debut as the main protagonist of the 1990 TV special Dragon Ball Z: Bardock – The Father of Goku. Bardock’s childhood until his early years in adulthood is unknown, but he is shown to lead his own squad into battle, and they are very successful in accomplishing their assignments. He is an adept fighter and a devoted Saiyan Army soldier under Frieza’s Force, until he realizes that Frieza plans the annihilation of the Saiyan race.
WATCH: Broly & Bardock Reveal Trailers for Dragon Ball FighterZ