As you progress through Kingdom Hearts 3’s story, you will unlock a variety of feature both in and out of combat. One of these involves cooking up cuisine that will give Sora and his party stat boosts. These can really help you out during tricky boss battles or fights, so it’s a mechanic that shouldn’t be overlooked. However, in order to unlock this, you’ll need to obtain 9 separate ingredients from Twilight Town.
Before we start, remember you are looking for food baskets or white takeout boxes. Hitting these with your Keyblade will give you one ingredient. This is also important to remember since you might see these on other worlds you explore.
Ingredient 1
When you’re looking at the bistro, turn left and hit the fruit basket against the wall by the door.
Ingredient 2 & 3
Now turn around and run along the curved path that goes around the Moogle Shop. You will find a fruit basket hidden in some plants and the takeout box adjacent to the building with the number 4 on it.
Ingredient 4
Head east and run by the vacant shop to find a basket of fruit on a bench under a tree.
Ingredient 5
From Ingredient 4, turn around and run up the building until you get to the roof. There should be four people standing by the edge talking and two glass skylights. You can find the takeout box on the bench.
Ingredient 6 & 7
Jump off the roof towards the bistro and aim for the raised platform with the two kids on it. The sixth ingredient is inside the takeout box. Turn around, cross the road, and go into the alleyway. You’ll see another takeout box on a power box by the corner.
Ingredient 8 & 9
Exit the alleyway and go across the road to the film screening outside. You will see a takeout box on the second row of benches that the kid in the green shirt is sitting on. If you look to your left you’ll see the final basket of fruit on the air conditioning unit.
There are a few other baskets of fruit lying around, so if you miss one there’s a pretty high chance you’ll find a replacement. Once you have all nine, Sora will be whisked back to the Bistro via a cutscene and Cuisine’s will unlock. Remember, to keep your eye out for any type of food item or basket when playing Kingdom Hearts 3!
Twilight Town Ingredient Locations in Kingdom Hearts 3