Looking for fun things to do at home alone? You’re not alone.
(I mean, you are. But you’re not the only person looking for ways to enjoy time to themselves at home.)
Read on to discover the best fun things to do at home alone.
(Note: This list is intended for mature audiences. Mostly because it includes a dab rig.)
Our Review
These Charlotte’s Web Gummies with Melatonin stand out because they include both melatonin and full spectrum CBD.
They contain small amounts of THC, according to a report we obtained from Charlotte’s Web.
Full spectrum CBD gummies actually aren’t that easy to find. (“Full spectrum CBD” means it includes some THC, which may help the CBD work more effectively in your body.)
If you’re looking for a plant-based product to help support healthy sleep cycles, these will be perfect for you.
Full Disclosure: Charlotte’s Web sent me a sample to test out. These are amazing. They helped me fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up without feeling groggy.
They’re also easy to eat, without feeling like you’re loading up on sugar or artificial ingredients before bed. They’re made with tapioca syrup and beet sugar, which are both a lot better for your body than corn syrup (an ingredient commonly found in gummies). They also use organic fruit and vegetable juices to achieve their pleasant pink color (instead of artificial food dyes).
These gummies contain 1.5 mg of melatonin each. Charlotte’s Web considers one serving to be two gummies, which would be 3 mg melatonin.
For most adults looking for a better night’s sleep, the ideal nighttime dose of melatonin can be around .5 mg to 3 mg. So although the labeling on this bottle suggests taking 2 gummies a half-hour before bedtime, you may want to start with just one gummy. (So you’ll be taking 5 mg CBD, and 1.5 mg melatonin.)
Stuck at home for a while? It’s always nice to kick back with an IPA. Or maybe a stout. Or are you more of an amber person? You can experiment and customize your beer to your own tastes with this home brewing kit.
The only downside to brewing your own beer is how much time and patience it requires. But if you have plenty of time on your hands, this is the perfect activity for adults stuck at home!
As we hunker down, why not learn to bake bread? You can have fresh-baked bread without leaving the house. You can even set this overnight, and wake up to fresh bread in the morning! What’s homier than that?
The Levo II is a phenomenal kitchen appliance. I received a free one to test out, and I loved it. (I’ll share more details about my experience making THC coconut oil with the Levo II ASAP with a video ASAP — feel free to check back!)
I couldn’t figure out the smartphone app that’s supposed to allow you to operate your LEVO remotely. But do you really need to be able to monitor your kitchen appliances without getting up from the couch?
Unlike other infusion machines on the market, this one doesn’t just decarboxylate your cannabis. You actually add the oil of your choice (like olive oil or coconut oil).
It starts with a decarb cycle. After your LEVO alerts you that the cycle is over, you add your oil. When the infusion cycle is up, the machine beeps, and you place a jar below the spout. Then you watch your beautiful green oil be dispensed smoothly and neatly into the jar.
Clean-up is minimal.
The only reason this machine might not work for you is if you are trying to make super, ultra, ridiculously strong THC oil. This only has room for a few tablespoons of dried plant matter. (Don’t worry — your canna-oil will still get you high. It just might not be ideal for a medical marijuana patient making extremely high-potency oil to treat a serious condition.)
Get ready for YouTube stardom with this selfie kit. The lighting is perfect for makeup tutorials, or just telling the world what you think.
There’s nothing like cozying up by the fire when you’re spending time at home. Don’t have a fireplace? No problem! You can get super cozy with this wood stove. Plus, you won’t have to deal with firewood. Or smoke. Or fire hazards.
It’s pizza night! Who needs delivery? Become a pizza chef and you’ll be the most popular person in the house.
You can’t get a professional massage when you’re stuck at home. So learn the techniques of self-massage with this foam roller, which has acupressure points.
Let’s be real: You don’t need just ONE book. You need many books. Self-help? Mysteries? Historical fiction? Whatever your genre, stock up on some new favorites by downloading them onto this Kindle.
You can’t go get a haircut when you’re stuck at home. So give yourself a haircut. Even if it’s terrible, if you’re stuck at home, does it really matter?
Only singing in the shower? You’re missing out! If there was ever a time to belt it out, it’s now. Your neighbors will love it.
You can’t get an accupressure foot massage when you’re stuck at home. Problem solved: get this foot massage machine. It’s heated, too!
This yoga hammock works best if you live in a home with exposed beams, or somewhere else you can safely hang this. (It needs to be able to support your entire body weight, so you can’t just screw it into the ceiling without doing some research on weight-bearing studs.)
But if you can install this, it is SO much fun! Check out any YouTube videos for yoga swing tutorials. (Helpful hint: Yoga swings are sometimes also known as “yoga trapezes,” as well as “yoga hammocks.”)
A friend gave me a yoga hammock for my birthday years ago, and I’ve been obsessed ever since. I don’t exactly do the beautiful poses seen on YouTube, but even if you’re just hanging out lazily upside down, you’ll notice an immediate decrease in spinal tension.
Got some time on your hands? Learn a new language! It will come in handy when we’re all able to travel again.
When we’re stuck at home, we need yoga more than ever. Keep your body and mind limber with some breathwork and Yin Yoga. Don’t know enough yoga poses to practice on your own? Not a problem. Many yoga teachers are currently streaming live classes online.
What’s homier than doing a puzzle? This one features an image of beautiful Boulder, Colorado.
Need some exercise? Miss the climbing gym — or the actual rocks outdoors? Build a climbing wall in your home with these fake rock holds. Better yet: Do it while your spouse is out of the house, and surprise them with your functional redecorating.
Sometimes, you just need some alone time. Although this is made for children, it can fit an adult. Bring some of the other items on this list (like the dab rig) with you.
Knit yourself a pillowcase to scream into. Better yet, knit yourself an eye mask, and go to sleep for 12 hours. Maybe things will be better when you wake up. (Doubtful.)
Try some exciting new recipes with this awesome cookbook! I chose this one because it has several great recipes for whole grains — which are a great, shelf-stable healthy food to stock up on. Try the recipe for wild rice soup!
Growing your own herbs will help make all your meals more exciting. And you can do it from home! You just need some light. (If you live in a basement apartment, or somewhere else without natural light, check out the AeroGarden elsewhere on this list.)
Learn to meditate, along with some practical mindfulness exercises. They might come in handy as you navigate the new normal.
There’s something soothing about making jewelry.
Make your crafting time even more soothing, by incorporating these natural stone beads. Make yourself a mala necklace, and get to meditating — or chanting your favorite mantra!
Writing is for everyone — even folks who don’t consider themselves “writers.”
Just write. See what comes up. Try your hand at poetry, or fiction. Or write about your own life, and learn something about yourself in the process.
You might surprise yourself.
Tie-dye your old clothing. Your bathrobe. Your sheets. Your dog.
Chess can keep your mind active — but you don’t want it to stress you out. This board can help you learn the basics of the game without getting into a fight.
There’s never been a better time to try to absorb some of Michelle Obama’s grace, and compassion, and wisdom.
Always wanted to be a singer-songwriter? The ukulele is the perfect instrument to learn on. Write some tropical melodies, and share them with the world. (See the YouTube stardom kit elsewhere on this list.)
Learn how to mix some heady cocktails. In this book, you’ll learn about plants and history at the same time, so you won’t feel as guilty about it.
With all the focus on handwashing these days, it’s easy to lose sight of how fun it can be to clean the rest of your body.
That’s why you need bath bombs. The fizziness makes bathing fun, even for adults isolating at home alone.
Plus, these contain epsom salts, which can help relax your muscles and elevate your mood. This kit includes twelve different bath bombs, each with its own blend of essential oils.
For best results, pair this activity with the dab rig or bubbler included on this list.
When the world itself feels a little topsy-turvy, why not grow vegetables upside-down, too? This kit comes with everything you need to start growing tomato plants in your home (wherever you have enough light).
Anyone can become a proficient dabber with the Dr. Dabber BOOST E-Rig.
It stands out because it’s a portable battery-powered electric dab rig — and it’s definitely one of the best dab rigs under $200.
Dr. Dabber has pioneered the concept of battery-powered portable e-rigs. Although this is entirely portable (and doesn’t even require a dab torch), it’s still designed to work with a domeless dab nail, similar to traditional tabletop dab rigs.
Similar to traditional dab rigs, it also filters your hit through water.
But unlike most dab rigs, it will only take 25 seconds to heat up your nail to your pre-selected temperature.
This comes with dab nails in all the optimal materials: titanium, quartz, and ceramic.
(Dr. Dabber doesn’t even bother sending you a glass dab nail, because, as most dabbers know, glass dab nails are inferior.)
This also doesn’t require a technology degree to figure it out. There’s only one button: you just press it, and get ready to enjoy flavorful dabs. (Or press it five times, to heat it to the higher temperature more suited to the quartz nail.)
It comes with the battery, and everything else you need to start dabbing immediately. (Except your cannabis concentrates.)
For a soothing activity, you could paint the landscape outside your window. Don’t have a window? Some of the greatest painters have depicted still-lifes. Arrange some fruits and vegetables (if you still have any), and get to painting.
Not all of us are going to become musical virtuosos. That’s okay. You can still have some fun (and learn about rhythm) with this tambourine. Put your favorite record on, and keep time with one of the most festive instruments.
Want to grow your own kitchen herb garden, but live in a basement apartment? This AeroGarden is perfect for you! Loyal AeroGarden customers swear by this latest model.
Weighted blankets can help reduce anxiety, because they feel like a big heavy hug. It might be the only kind of hug you can get these days. Snuggle up, watch how the weighted blanket soothes your restless muscles, and drift off into dreamland.
Pro tip: Pair this activity with a dreamy CBD tincture.
You may not be able to bike to a cafe to meet your friends right now. Plus, many trails are closed.
So why not bike indoors? Take a virtual journey on the LCD screen — and stay in great shape, while staying at home.
The Sondiko Butane Torch is perfect for anyone who wants to make creme brulee or enjoy flavorful dabs.
It stands out among cheap dab torches, because it’s also a culinary torch, and it includes Piezo technology.
Piezo technology ensures easy ignition. It allows for the torch to be used at any angle. Which is helpful, if you like to dab — or scorch exotic homemade desserts — while reclining on the couch.
For more information, check out our guide to the best dab torches.
You might be thinking: I can’t play ping-pong while I’m cooped up alone.
That’s where you wrong. You can train, practice your moves, and get ready to dominate in the text ping-pong tournament. Just check out the next product on this list — the ping-pong robot.
Stuck at home alone? You can still hone your table tennis game for your next big match!
Just fire up this robot, and it will serve you balls. It includes a net to catch all your awesome relays.
Get ready to impress your friends with your green thumb — sometime when gatherings are allowed again, that is.
Bonsais are usually considered the domain of expert horticulturalists. But with a starter kit, anyone can try their hand at growing these incredible miniature trees!
Can’t leave your home? Don’t let a quarantine get in the way of your exercise regimen — and make it fun!
Everyone loves scented candles. Why not make your own? Imagine all the soothing nights ahead, burning your own handmade soy candles. Better yet: Send them to loved ones as gifts, to help them get through dark times.
You might not be able to go out dancing at a concert, or a club. But you can dance up a storm at home!
Why not film yourself and take over Tik Tok? Dance Dance Revolution has some retro appeal. And it will get your heart rate up!
Hooping won’t just help you burn calories from all those extra snacks you’ve been eating. (Fact: Working from home involves mandatory snack breaks.)
It will also massage your intestines and organs, and help define your ab muscles. Plus, you can bust out your hooping moves whenever music festivals are allowed again.
This hoop is made for adult exercise.
When you find yourself in dark times, it helps to look at the stars. And the moon. Gazing at the cosmos with this powerful yet easy-to-use telescope, you’ll remember that we’re part of something much larger — something that will be here long after we’re gone.
The Marley Natural Black Walnut Bubbler stands out because its removable parts make it incredibly easy to clean.
And you’d want to keep this piece clean. It’s beautiful and eye-catching, made from high-quality glass as well as sustainably-harvested black walnut wood.
This is a piece by Marley Natural, a company started by one of the children of the legendary music icon Bob Marley. It features subtle Jamaican-inspired accents.
The iconic painter Vincent Van Gogh once said, “It is difficult to know oneself, but it isn’t easy to paint oneself, either.”
Give the old self-portrait a try, with this easy-to-use painter’s easel. You might come to know yourself — or, at the very least, to paint yourself.
Who doesn’t love ice cream? There’s a reason sad characters in movies are always eating ice cream. Ice cream cheers people up. If you’re stuck at home, why not try to make your own desserts?! If you have some fruit or other ingredients on hand, you can experiment with fun flavors!
Smudging is believed to clear your space of negative energy. It might be the perfect activity after watching the news.
This smudge kit comes from a company based in California, which refers to it as an “energy cleansing kit with Smudge Prayers and instructions for home, body and object cleansing.” The company emphasizes sustainability. This kit includes white cedar, a less-common smudging material, which they say is perfect for blessing a home.
This best-selling book by Michael Pollan explores the new science of psychedelic medicine.
Get the book, and follow this esteemed journalist’s hands-on experience with psychedelics.