Jamie Foxx Official As The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Villain

When was the last time we got to see Jamie Foxx as a villain?

He always wears the ‘white hat’ in his films, except for maybe Dreamgirls. He was a dick in Dreamgirls.

But apparently, Foxx will don the ‘black hat’ for one of the first times in his career as he’ll play the electrician gone mad, Electro. Foxx has been cast in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 for a little while now, but it was unclear who exactly he would be playing.

Speaking to Entertainment Tonight, Foxx said:

Electro is a great character. I met with the director, Mark Webb, I met with Andrew Garfield, and we talked. … I think Electro will be an exciting character to play because he’s a … genius electrician-type person, and he gets the short end of the stick from the whole world, and the next thing you know he turns it on.

It’ll be very interesting to see how Foxx, who is no doubt a talented actor and Oscar winner, will be able to handle the role of the primary antagonist, something that he’s never truly tackled before. It’ll also be interesting to see what kind of garments he’ll don in the film, because in the comic book, Electro looks like this:

Not a very appealing look unless you’re a Mexican luchador.


Jamie Foxx Official As The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Villain

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