China Internet Superstar Furong Jiejie Commits Suicide

Over the past few years social media has exploded in China, with one person standing out in particular – Shi Henxia, commonly known as “Furong Jiejie”

China internet superstar Furong Jiejie

Roughly translated as “Sister Lotus,” Furong Jiejie became famous for her wild online antics ranging from her bad dancing and horrible overweight looks to her self-imposed “awesomeness” as an online superstar.

With hundreds of millions of people on the online scene in China internet interest has been growing at a steady pace, with one major update occurring today – the famous “Furong Jiejie” committed suicide today in her apartment at around 1:00pm today (Thursday, September 20) with reports from her assistant saying she “is not happy and decided to end her life”, and even blogged her demise on China’s Weibo (the equivalent of Twitter) stating “Goodbye this world” before ending it all.

Since 2005 “Furong Jiejie” has been a major place in the online Chinese market, leading the way as a blogger and social media leader across many fields.

It seems that the pain of stardom can go beyond the silver screen and even affect bloggers today…Watch out online superstars. This may be a sign of things to come.


APPARENTLY according to the latest Weibo posts this was all a big fabrication – most likely a publicity stunt pulled to help bring in additional viewers. Then again, with nothing confirmed 100 percent as of yet, more updates might still be in order as the story transpires.