Taliban: Petraeus Should Be Shot by Paula Broadwell’s Family

taliban laughs at petraeus

A Taliban leader laughed out loud when asked about the Petraeus affair scandal and said the disgraced CIA director deserves to die for his indiscretion.

In an AFP interview in northwest Pakistan, the official burst into laughter at the mention of Petraeus and explained the two methods by which he deserves to die for the crime of adultery, depending on whether he’s punished according to local custom or Islamic law:

From a Pashtun point of view, Petraeus should be shot by relatives from his mistress’ family. From a Shariah point of view, he should be stoned to death.

In Petraeus’ case, that mistress is his biographer, Paula Broadwell.

The amused Taliban leader said the general’s behavior is typical of American society:

It’s quite normal for Americans and Western people to behave like this. They live in free-sex societies where nobody cares about this sort of thing, so what do you expect?