Katy Perry’s CD is so Bad It’s Banned in Australia

They're all threats to Australian biological diversity. Left to right: Katy Perry's new cd, a European rabbit, and Artichoke Thistle. The latter two are already impacting biodiversity in the island-nation.

They’re all threats to Australian biological diversity. Left to right: Katy Perry’s new cd, a European rabbit, and Artichoke Thistle. The latter two are already impacting biodiversity in the island-nation.

Katy Perry’s new CD, Prism, is so bad, it has been declared a biohazard by Australian authorities reports The Guardian.

Prism’s artwork contains a “seed paper” that fans are encouraged to plant and “spread the light.” In the biologically unique ecosystems of Australia, this is a serious threat to biodiversity.

News.Com.AU said the production company assured authorities that the release contained local seeds, but international versions are available that may pose a threat, particularly because they are cheaper. The US version is $19 on Ebay while the Australian edition is $24.99.

Australia is keen to maintain its unique biodiversity. Many species have damaged the country’s one-of-a-kind ecosystems including red hares, cane toads, and most famously, the european rabbit, which has no natural Australian predators and replicates precisely like bunnies.

A Wikipedia page details dozens of animal and plant species that have threatened the island-nation’s unique lifeforms, illustrating the history and scope of the problem.

Katy Perry recently made the news for beating out Justin Bieber as the most followed person on Twitter.

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