SimpleWash Clears Unwanted Content From Your Facebook Profile


Is your Facebook profile filled with embarrassing content, you wish your friends never tagged you in, or posted on your wall?

There is an app called “SimpleWash,” that will search through your content including, status updates, pages and links that have been liked, photo captions and comments left or received.

SimpleWash is easy to use, just go to its website and go to “Get Started” and log into your Facebook account.

Just like when integrating any other app, you will need to click “Go to App” to give the app your permission to access all of your information.

Search for a term that you and your friends often use, and you will be able to browse through all of the content on your profile. Once a match is found, it will show you and will link to the post. You will be able to decide if you want to remove a picture or delete a status.

SimpleWash is available for Facebook and Twitter, however, please keep in mind the Twitter version is still in beta.