(Beyonce Facebook)
Across the celebrity board, there are always baby bump rumors swirling. Nonetheless, it seems baby Blue Ivy may have a little brother or sister on the way. Here’s five fast facts on the status of Beyonce’s latest pregnancy speculation with some exclusive info from Heavy.com.
1. Her Met Gala Dress’s Original Sketch Was More Revealing
No doubt that Beyonce looked stunning at the Met Gala in the Givenchy masterpiece dress. However, if you look at the original sketch, there was definitely a lot more tummy meant to be shown. Hmmm…
2. It’s All On Video
Judge for yourself with that “momma pouch” hanging out for all of London to see as Beyonce struts herself around onstage for her World Tour.
Are these the pics that PROVE @beyonce is pregnant with her second baby? yhoo.it/10lEkiL
— Yahoo! Omg! UK (@YahooOmgUK) May 13, 2013
3. Beyonce Confessed Her Desire for Another Baby
The New York Post stated that last week Beyoncé gave an interview to ABC’s GMA, where she said, “I would like more children. I think my daughter needs some company. I definitely love being a big sister.”
4. She Definitely is Showing Her Baby Love
In a tight one-piece outfit that seems to show a rounded belly on the star, Beyonce pulls a very young child up onstage to join her at a recent concert. Definitely showing her maternal side. Have a look at the video footage as well as some photos at the Daily Mail.
5. Her Pregnancy is Making a Splash
BABY BUMP WATCH: Is Beyonce Pregnant Again?!? (VIDEO) aol.it/100vyac
— AOL On (@aolon) May 13, 2013
Splash News has put together a little clip dedicating it to the story for background on the baby scoop.
Beyonce Pregnant with Number Two: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know