Who will die next on Game of Thrones? (Facebook/HBO PR)
We know that no one in the Game of Thrones universe is safe. This has been shown to us in more painful ways than we can count. From Season 1 to the Red Wedding to the Season 5 finale, fans have lost count of just how many times their hearts were ripped out of their chests when George R. R. Martin decided to kill yet another character.
At some point, it just starts feeling so pointless.
We were going to include a video of the top 10 deaths, but that ended up being a little gruesome. If you want to watch it, the link is here. If you just want to see a really impressive visualization of every character who has ever died on Game of Thrones, see the illustrated guide here. If you want to create your own online Game of Thrones “death pool” with your friends, check out the link here.
Fans know they’re not safe and any minute, maybe even in the Season 6 premiere, another character could be ripped away.
Who do you think will die next? Cast your vote in the poll below. We couldn’t include every possible character because there are just too many. So we included the ones that we thought might be the most painful to watch. Out of these, who do you think will die next?
[polldaddy poll=9396101]
To learn more about tonight’s premiere, please see:
POLL: Who Will Die Next on ‘Game of Thrones’?