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WWE Payback 2014: The Results & Highlights You Need to Know

Without any further ado, here’s all the juicy details that you need to know about from WWE Payback 2014! Make sure you check out the live PPV Kickoff show on the WWE Network starting at 7:30 p.m. EST! Make sure you stay right here as we list all the important details you need to know from WWE’s latest special event/PPV.

El Torito vs. Hornswoggle (Mask vs. Hair Match)

Winner: El Torito!

Best Moments/Highlights: Hornswoggle started the match with El Torito just by decking him one a stiff punch. The action picked up when Torito dropkicked ‘Swoggle, then applied a Airplane spin to make 3MB’s lil’ man a bit dizzy. Both men became dizzy though, which led to them confusingly swaying around the ring. Torito laid out ‘Swoggle with a spinning kick, but Torito only got a 2-count. ‘Swoggle jaw jacked with the ref, but Torito used his bull horns to send ‘Swoggle outside of the ring. Heath Slater took the hair cutters and chased Torito to the bottom of the ring, but Torito ended up getting the clippers and scaring ‘Swoggle away. ‘Swoggle went for a moonsault on Torito, but he missed. 3MB and Los Matadores all got into a scuffle as things quickly broke down. Everyone ended up laid out on the outside after a nice sequence of vaults and other high-flying moves. Torito then caught ‘Swoggle with a Bronco Buster and tried to go for another move, but ‘Swoggle caught him and countered with a sitdown Powerbomb. Torito recovered after ‘Swoggle took off one of his masks and then took the win with a springboard moonsault.

Sheamus (c) vs. Cesaro (WWE United States Championship)

Winner: And still the WWE United States Champion, Sheamus!

Best Moments/Highlights: Sheamus got the upper hand as the match began. Cesaro got back into the fight with a nice backdrop on Sheamus. Cesaro began his sequence of strikes on Sheamus, but Sheamus responded with his own strikes. Sheamus bodyslammed Cesaro, but missed an elbow drop attempt. After Cesaro laid in some stiff European Uppercuts, Sheamus recovered and slammed Cesaro again. Sheamus eventually caught Cesaro with not 10, but 20 punches to his chest. The match spilled to the outside, which saw Cesaro get thrown into the barricade. Sheamus went for a Battering Ram to Cesaro inside the ring, but Cesaro caught Sheamus with another uppercut in mid-air. Cesaro showcased his strongman skills when he suplexed Sheamus from the ring apron back into the ring. Cesaro then surprisingly used a Tiger Bomb on Sheamus, then a double foot stomp. Cesaro hit Sheamus with more uppercuts, but Sheamus countered a 3rd one with his Irish Curse backbreaker. Sheamus clotheslined Cesaro and then dropped three knees on him from the 2nd rope. Cesaro survived a pinfall attempt and managed to land an uppercut off the top rope. Sheamus kicked out of his pin though. Sheamus ran to the rope and got caught by another uppercut once Cesaro launched him into the air. Sheamus kicked out of a pin and then used a Powerslam to put down Cesaro. Cesaro kicked out once again. Sheamus began setting up his Brogue Kick, but Cesaro dodged it. Cesaro went for the Neutralizer, but Sheamus countered with another slam. Sheamus eventually locked Cesaro into a Texas Cloverleaf, but Cesaro made it the ropes. Cesaro broke out unique looking backdrop suplex on Sheamus, but only got a 2-count. Cesaro then went for his crowd-pleasing Cesaro Swing, which ended at 21 rotations. Sheamus shocked Cesaro after a quick Small Package for the 3 count.

The Brotherhood (Cody Rhodes & Goldust) vs. Rybaxel (Curtis Axel & Ryback)

Winners: Rybaxel!

Best Moments/Highlights: Goldust and Curtis Axel started off the match with a nice exchange. Cody got tagged in to handle a hurt Axel, but Axel eventually tagged in Ryback. Ryback tried to backdrop Cody, but Cody slipped out and hit a beautiful dropkick. Cody and Goldust then put down Ryback with a nice tag team maneuver. Rybaxel soon got the upper hand when Goldust got tagged in and got caught in a long assault. Rybaxel performed their usual array of double-team moves, which led to the Ryback splashing and Curtis elbow dropping Goldust. Goldust almost surprised Ryback with a Small Package, but Ryback kicked out. Goldust soon knocked out Curtis with a Sunset Flip slam and got the hot tag to Cody. Cody immediately got to work and began knocking down Ryback. Cody shot off some nice springboard dropkicks and a cool moonsault onto both men. Ryback soon caught Cody with a Powerbomb and threw him into Goldust. Ryback hit the Meat Hook clothesline, but only secured a 2-count. All four men got into a huge scuffle, which came to an end when Ryback countered Cody’s Disaster Kick with the Shell Shock for the 1-2-3.

Rusev vs. Big E

Winner: Rusev!

Best Moments/Highlights: Once the bell rang, Big E and Rusev smashed into each other but neither man went down. After some punches being laid between both big men, Rusev finally put down Big E with a Release German Suplex. Big E was repeatedly put down with hammer punches from Rusev, but Big E woke up and then powered down after Rusev looked to splash him in the corner. Out of nowhere, Big E speared Rusev through the middle rope to the floor. After Big E got Rusev in the ring, he went for a pin but only got a 2-count. Big then hit the ropes for his big splash, but Rusev countered with his Super Kick. Rusev then locked Big E in his Accolade submission hold, which led to the tap out victory for Rusev.

Kofi Kingston vs. Bo Dallas

Winner: N/A…

Best Moments/Highlights: Once the bell rang, the crowd was shocked when Kane made his entrance. Kofi looked to fight off Kane, but Kane took out his frustrations on Kofi outside the ring. Once Kane brought Kofi back in, Kane viciously chokeslammed Kofi. Kane didn’t end his beatdown there, which led to a Tombstone Piledriver to finish things off. Kane threw up his flames after destroying Kofi in front of a scared Bo Dallas who waited outside the ring. Bo re-entered the ring and told Kofi that he would be back again. All he had to do was…BO-LIEVE!

Head to the next page for more WWE Payback 2014 results & highlights!

Bad News Barrett (c) vs. Rob Van Dam (WWE Intercontinental Championship)

Winner: And still the WWE Intercontinental Champion, Bad News Barrett!

Best Moments/Highlights: BNB made sure to tell the crowd before the match that he was ready to put down RVD and make sure he didn’t receive any more checks. Barrett stated that it was time to put down Old Yeller aka RVD. After the bell rang, things got underway as RVD used his array of kicks to put down the current IC Champion. Barrett dodge a kick in the corner and countered with a neckbreaker for the 2-count. RVD soon kicked Barrett to the outside and threw him into the barricade. RVD got even more rough with Barrett by throwing him the 1st row of people and following it up with his famous flying kick to the back. Barrett got thrown back into the ring, which led to RVD launching himself in with a springboard legdrop. Barrett kicked out RVD’s following pin. Barrett then laid on a nice kick to the gut of RVD, which then began a series of moves being laid down upon a now weakened RVD. RVD recovered once he countered Barrett’s gut kick with a spinning kick to the jaw. RVD pulled off his usual array of exciting moves, which ended with a side kick into a Rolling Thunder. RVD tried to finish Barrett off with a 5 Star Frog Splash but missed. Barrett also missed his Bull Hammer finisher, but he soon caught RVD with the Winds of Change for the 2-count. Barrett went for another Bull Hammer but he slammed his arm into the steel post instead. RVD caught some knees to the gut after trying to land a split-legged moonsault. Barrett then laid out RVD with his Bull Hammer for the final pin of this championship match.

John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt (Last Man Standing Match)

Winner: John Cena!

Best Moments/Highlights: Before the Last Man Standing bout got underway, The Usos came out to offer their support to Cena. As soon as the match officially began, Cena went crazy with a string of attacks. Bray soon sprung back to life after a swift side punch to Cena. Bray knocked down Cena with a elbow as the crowd began their pro/anti-Cena chanting war. Bray then splashed Cena in the corner, which led to the 1st ref count of this LMS match. Cena got back up, but Bray mocked him by dancing with his prone body. Cena soon got a 2nd sprint and then went into his comeback sequence of moves. Bray got up after a Five Knuckle Shuffle and spun Cena into his knee. Bray went for a senton splash, but Cena moved at the last second. Cena went for an STF, but Bray overpowered him and suplexed him hard to the mat. Bray tried to land his Sister Abigail finisher on Cena, but Cena hopped out of the move. Cena was put right back down after catching an elbow to the jaw. Bray continued laying down Cena by giving him a DDT to the ring apron. Cena woke up before a 10-count and soon found himself on the top rope with a healthy Bray. Cena fought off Bray and landed a top rope leg drop across Bray’s head. Cena then went for his AA but Bray caught him rebounding off the rope and hit the Sister Abigail. Cena shocked the crowd, got up before the ref counted to 10 and finally hit an AA on Bray. Bray got up by launching into this possessed taunt, which then led to the rest of the Wyatt Family and the Usos getting into a skirmish in the ring. After both men’s outside representatives laid each other out the ring, Bray began smashing a steel chair over Cena’s back. Cena powered back into the match by using the same chair to lay out Bray. Cena then uncovered a table from underneath the ring. Bray got the advantage on Cena though, as he suplexed Cena right through the table. Bray brought the steel steps into the ring and smashed it right off of Cena’s skull. Bray stood atop the steps and began serenading the crowd. However, Cena made his comeback by smashing those same steel steps into Bray. Bray got back up, but Cena blasted Bray with the steel steps after he threw them outside the ring right into him. Even after all that, Bray still managed to get on his own two feet. Then out of nowhere, Bray hit the Sister Abigail on Cena into the barricade. The crowd began showing their appreciation for this hard fought match by chanting “THIS IS AWESOME!” Once both men got back up, Cena threw Bray into the steel post. But Cena soon found himself hurt again when Bray backdropped him onto the steel steps. Bray then stepped atop the steel steps and landed a senton splash to Cena on the outside of the ring. Cena re-grouped, dropped Bray with another AA outside the ring and ran into the ring. All of a sudden, the other two member of the Wyatt Family rushed out and helped Bra back to his feet. They then began beating down Cena, but were soon interrupted by the returning Usos. Bodies were soon everywhere as the Wyatt’s got back on their feet and picked up some tables. The Usos and the Wyatt’s soon got even more violent with their face-off, which culminated in both teams getting put through tables. Once Cena and Bray both recovered, Bray body splashed Cena through the barricade. They both got back to their feet and fought into the arena. Cena and Bray fought over to the pyrotechnics area, which saw Cena hit the AA on Bray through a containment case. Cena enclosed Bray in the case by dropping another one over his prone body for the final 10-count.

Paige (c) vs. Alicia Fox (WWE Divas Championship)

Winner: And still WWE Divas Champion, Paige!

Best Moments/Highlights: Both women locked up to begin things. Paige took it Alicia and got her down to the mat with a suplex from the ring apron. Alicia left the ring to catch her breath and looked as if she was crying. This was all a ruse of course, since Alicia tripped Paige as she left the ring. Alicia randomly picked up a drink from a ringside viewer, but Paige caught Alicia with a punch to the gut. Alicia then pulled Paige to the ringside mat by grabbing her hair. Alicia started going a little insane as she complained about getting her hair grabbed so vigorously by Paige. Alicia tried to get the win with a Northern Lights suplex, but Paige kicked out at two. Alicia then locked in a brutal looking submission, but Paige managed to fight her way out. Alicia kept on supplying the pressure after locking Page in a back submission that was preceded by a spinning backbreaker. Paige soon got a 2nd wind, beat down Alicia into submission and made her tap out with her modified Scorpion Crosslock. Alicia got back to her feet amongst the crowd screaming “YOU TAPPED OUT!” Alicia began screaming her head off and ran all the way back to the backstage area.

Head to he next page to get some news on what went down during the Evolution/Shield main event!

Evolution (Triple H, Randy Orton and Batista) vs. The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns) (No Holds-Barred Six-Man Tag Team Elimination Match)

Winners: The Shield!

Best Moments/Highlights: Evolution began making their entrance, but The Shield all caught them off guard by jumping them before they got to the ring. Both team started tearing into each other as the crowd went wild. Orton backdropped Ambrose onto the barricade, Rollins vaulted on HHH in the crowd and Roman laid out Batista near the steel steps. Once everyone got back into the ring, Rollins and Roman began tearing down Batista. Rollins then began stomping a mudhole into Batista, but ‘Tista fought back and launched him in the ring post. Orton got tagged in and soon found himself going at with Rollins. Rollins got the hot tag to Ambrose, which saw both men hitting a double suplex on Orton. Ambrose and Rollins hit a 2nd tag team combination, which led to another sequence of moves from Ambrose and a tag to Roman. Batista entered the match after getting tagged in by Orton, but Roman powered the big man down with a clothesline. Ambrose re-entered the bout and soon found himself on the losing end of a Batista spinebuster. HHH then got the tag and began beating down Ambrose, but Roman soon got back in. Both Roman and HHH stared each other down before they finally locked horns. Roman got the better of HHH by backdropping HHH and holding his arm while Ambrose returned to keep the heat on him. Rollins made his way in and hit with a flying elbow and the Three Amigos (RIP Eddie Guerrero!). HHH kicked out, but soon caught an elbow to the back after Ambrose got tagged back in. Ambrose surprised the crowd when he catapulted himself into HHH while he was laid out in the corner. Ambrose went high but got kicked down by a boot to the face. HHH tagged in Batista, who began powering down the now damaged Ambrose. Evolution then began their dominance over Ambrose over the course of several minutes. Soon after, Ambrose launched HHH over the ringside post and went for the hot tag. HHH stopped him, hit him with his trademark knee but got caught by Ambrose’s returning clothesline from the middle rope. Roman got the hot tag and started his assault on Batista while his partner fended off HHH and Rollins. Roam landed his Superman Punch on Batista, but his pin attempt got interrupted by HHH and Orton. The action spilled out of the ring while Roman and Batista lay dormant inside of it. Rollins went to slash HHH from the top of a barricade but he was stopped when HHH smashed him over the head with a unseen object. Roman got back into the action by sending Batista into the steel ring post on the outside. Orton and HHH ran into to aid their downed partner by stopping Roman from readying the Spanish Announce Table. Evolution laid out Roman with a Triple Powerbomb through that same table. When Evolution began mocking The Shield fist bump, Ambrose launched himself into all three men. Rollins then returned to the match by hitting an over-the-top rope splash onto them right after. All three Evolution member got the upper hand, which saw HHH working over Ambrose with a steel chair. Orton used a steel chair himself when he backdropped Ambrose onto one. HHH even went even farther in his assault by hitting a Pedigree on Rollins face 1st into the steel chair. Evolution headed back to the ring and worked on breaking down a weakened Roman Reigns. Steel steps and kendo sticks were thrown into the ring by Evolution, which then led to a brutal sequence of kendo stick shots to Roman while his body was laid over the steel steps. Somehow Roman quickly hopped off the ring steps and Superman Punched Orton. HHH and Batista put Roman down again pretty fast, though. HHH used a steel chair once again to lay out Roman, but Ambrose hopped back into the fray. He was put back down when Orton hit a DDT on Ambrose while he was feet were held over the arena’s awning. Rollins then did the unthinkable when he hopped off the stage and laid out each Evolution member. Rollins headed back to the ring but got speared by Batista. Batista didn’t last too long after that, since he got eliminated from the match after getting speared himself by Roman. Orton tried to eliminate Rollins with an RKO, but Roman canceled that pin attempt. Ambrose then eliminated Orton with his finisher on a steel chair. HHH was left by himself to fend for himself, but got some much needed assistance from his fallen Evolution mates. Orton soon handed HHH a sledgehammer, which led to HHH knocking out Ambrose with it. HHH tried to take out Roman, but Rollins made the save with a flying knee. Roman hit HHH with a final spear for the clean sweep victory.

Match of the Night

John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt!

Head to the next page to check out the non-match moments/highlights (like Daniel Bryan’s final decision on surrendering the WWE World Heavyweight title belts) of WWE Payback 2014!

Best Non-Match Moments/Highlights

• WWE Payback 2014 took place in Chicago and, as expected, the crowd loudly voiced their adoration for none other than “CM PUNK!”

• El Torito and Los Matadores did the hair cutting honors on Hornswoggle, much to the crowd’s delight.

• The Rhodes Brothers hyped themselves up before their big PPV encounter with Rybaxel.

• Paul Heyman made sure to crap all over Chicago’s hockey team when he mentioned that his former “Heyman Guy” was watching the game. He couldn’t help but mention that his client conquered “The Streak.”

• Cody admitted to Goldust that he would have to leave the team. Cody then told his brother that Goldust would need a better tag team partner than himself. Cody then took his walk of shame to the back while Goldust was left shocked in the ring.

• “WE WANT ZIGGLER!” chants could be heard during the Rusev/Big E encounter.

• The crowd seemed to be into Bo Dallas when they began screaming “WE BO-LIEVE!” after Kofi was destroyed by Kane.

• Stephanie McMahon headed out to the ring amid a chorus of boos once she came out to get Daniel Bryan’s decision on giving up the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. If he chose not to give up the belts, his wife (Brie Bella) would get fired. Bryan entered the arena to a chorus of “YES!” chants alongside Brie. Stephanie got in an early verbal dig on Bryan and his wife after saying that one day they’d one day birth some bearded babies. Daniel responded by reminding her how the crowd felt about such a horrible woman/boss figure. Stephanie got in a nice jab at Punk when she told Daniel that the crowd wanted Daniel to quit just like Punk did. Daniel told Stephanie that he hoped her kids were watching so they could see how much of a bitch their mother truly was. After some more back and forth insults, Stephanie and Brie got into another heated argument. Brie soon Stephanie that she quit, which soon led to a vicious slap from Brie to the boss lady. The crowd cheered happily as Bryan held onto both belts.

• Jerry “The King” Lawler actually spout off something funny for once on commentary during the Alicia Fox/Paige championship match- “You never truly know a woman until you meet her in court.”

Make sure you check out WWE Payback 2013.

Come back for more WWE PPV results for WWE Money in the Bank 2014 on June 29, 2014!


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Here are all the results and highlights coming out of WWE Payback 2014!