‘The Walking Dead’ Season 5, Episode 12: Recap & Spoilers

4. Carl Ran Into a Few Members of the Community Who Were Around His Age

Walking Dead Season 5

Michonne was next up to do her taped interview with Deanna. Michonne told her that her and the rest of her group were ready for all of this. A few members of Rick’s group went exploring while Rick and Daryl spoke for a bit. Rick then chose to check on this new community. He went nuts when he noticed that Carl and his baby girl weren’t within eye sight. Jessie helped him find them talking to a group of old folks. Jessie knew what Rick was going through, so she understood how afraid he could still be. Carl went on to meet Jessie’s son Ron and two other youngsters. Carl and the new group got comfortable with each other after a few tense moments.

Carl and his baby sister spoke with Deanna next. Carl told her that he had to be the one to kill his mother when she was giving birth. Rick found his son Carl laying on the bed inside their new home. Carl admitted that these people were nice but weak. He didn’t want everyone to grow just as weak as them all. When nightfall struck, Rick and Michonne had a conversation about what to do next. Rick’s told her that he was requested to sign some papers in order to finalize their new move into this large community.

Rick took a walk outside to gather his thoughts. A man called out to Rick, who turned out to be Jessie’s husband. The man formally welcomed Rick to Alexandria. When Rick went back into the home to fall asleep, he popped up out of his rest with a shocked look on his face.

5. Rick and Carl Ventured Outside of the Community Gates and Ran Into Some Zombies

Carol did her interview next with Deanna. She spoke about the nice things she once did for her husband. She also spoke about the many tasks she handled for the group and noted that she’s a real people person. She seemed to get acclimated to her new home quickly since she put on a new pair of fresh clothes. She spotted Daryl and told him to wash up and get comfortable himself. Glenn spoke with Deanna and told her that they’d been out in such a dangerous world for far too long. Rick could then be seen walking around the community’s gates. Then, Carl spotted one of the young girls climbing up the community walls. Glenn, Noah and Tara ran into a few other members. These members helped protect the gate and gave their new friends firearms for protection.

Carl went ahead and followed the young girl into the forest. He lost track of her, though. Rick was seen exploring some more outside of the gate, which led to him spotting some zombies. Rick went back to the safe place where he hid his pistol, which was now mysteriously missing. As the undead horde trailed Rick, Carl walked up to him and helped fend off the zombies that came their way. Both men handled the zombies easily until another zombie gripped at Rick’s leg from underneath some rubble. Carl saved him by plunging a crowbar into its head.

6. Rick Put on His New Police Uniform to Prepare for his New Community Role

Glenn, Noah and Tara walked alongside their new allies. These allies spoke with them about the protocol needed to locate any of their missing friends. One of them noticed that a zombie ate one of their friends, which caused him to locate the sole zombie who did it. The zombie was found, but a crazy situation even worse. Tara was almost ate by the zombie, but Glenn made sure to kill the zombie before things got even worse. Glenn and the new guy got into an altercation once they returned to Alexandria. Glenn and the man got into a huge fight, which caused Deanna to calm the brawl down. Deanna gave Rick the role of constable and made sure that everyone was in together. Daryl walked away angry, while Deanna thanks Glenn for what he did. Carl spoke to the young girl who was following, who walked away from him when he asked if she liked him or not.

Rick’s interview with Deanna could be seen playing while Rick walked downstairs in his new police uniform. The group saw him in his new duds as he waled outside to speak with Carol and Daryl. Rick told them that they would stay there but not revert to being weak. Daryl wanted to know what would happen if the rest of the community couldn’t make it. Rick noted that they’d just have to take it over themselves.