Easter Brunch Ideas 2020 When Stuck at Home

Easter Brunch

Getty Celebrate Easter while you're stuck at home with these fun brunch ideas.

For those who are bored in the house and in the house bored during quarantine on Easter, a good way to break up the monotony of isolation could be to make a delicious brunch. Eggs, bacon, pancakes, and fruit: What’s not to love about brunch? For those who are 21 and older, a hint of alcohol could be a delicious way to spice up your Easter morning. To help with some ideas, we’ve compiled some tasty suggestions to create at home.

Asparagus Frittata

You can make scrambled eggs on almost any occasion, but for Easter, why not try adding in some cheese and greens? An asparagus frittata is a relatively easy but enjoyable way to have eggs for brunch.

According to this recipe from Brit + Co, you only need four ingredients: half a pound of diced asparagus, 12 eggs, two Tablespoons milk or cream, half a teaspoon salt, two to four ounces soft goat cheese, olive oil and black pepper to taste.

First, you sautee the asparagus in olive oil with salt and pepper for 12 to 15 minutes, or until they’re soft. While they’re cooking, you whisk the eggs with milk and then pour into the skillet when the asparagus is ready. Add dollops of the goat cheese while the eggs cook through.

Three-Ingredient Banana Pancakes

Who doesn’t like pancakes? Good Housekeeping has a great recipe for cute, easy and delicious pancakes that you can make to look like a bunny. All you need it two very ripe large bananas, three large eggs and 3/4 of a cup of self-rising flour. For garnish, you will need whipped cream for the tail, mini chocolate chips (or blueberries) for the feet and banana slices for the feet. 

First puree the bananas. Then incorporate the eggs and blend them. Lastly, puree the flour. Heat your griddle on medium heat and grease it. Drop the batter and cook it for two to three minutes, or until it lightly starts to bubble. Then flip it over and cook for one to two minutes more.

To make the bunny, use a 1/4 cup of batter for body. Use two tablespoons of batter for the head. To make the ears, use one tablespoon of batter each and make it resemble a long bunny ear. For the feet, use one tablespoon of batter each and make them in the shape of an oval. When you’re done, arrange it on and the plate and garnish.

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Orange Rose Mimosa

For some, brunch isn’t complete without a mimosa. Try changing up your regular mimosa with this recipe from Always Order Dessert. All you need is champagne (or sparkling white wine), four ounces of orange juice, one teaspoon of fresh lemon juice
and half a teaspoon of rose water.

First, you mix together the orange juice, lemon juice, and rose water and stir well. Divide the mixture into two champagne flutes or whatever glass you have. Then simply top it off with your champagne or sparkling wine until it reaches the top.

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