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What Does the Actress who Played Lt. Talas Look Like Without Makeup?

YouTube Molly Brink as Talas and Jeffrey Combs as Shran on Star Trek Enterprise

Though the Andorians were introduced in Star Trek: The Original Series, they weren’t one of the non-human species the Federation encountered on a regular basis. Trek fans didn’t get much information about the Andorians until Star Trek: Enterprise. The species played a major role in the prequel series.

General Shran, a member of the Adorian Imperial Guard, and his crew had regular interactions with the first crew of the Enterprise. Eventually, the Andorians and the Enterprise crew became allies, in the loosest sense of the term. Captain Jonathan Archer, Enterprise’s captain, and Shran developed a tentative friendship based on the fact that they frequently helped each other out of difficult situations.

Archer also developed a loose bond with Shran’s right-hand woman, and later lover, Lieutenant Talas. A fierce warrior, Talas was always up for a fight or any scheme that led to one. Though she respected Shran as her commanding officer, she wasn’t intimidated by him in personal matters. As Shran revealed to Archer, she was the aggressor in their relationship, literally and figuratively.

Trek fans probably aren’t familiar with the actress who portrayed Talas for three episodes of Enterprise. So, here’s a bit about her and the process of becoming an Andorian.

Molly Brink Brought Talas to Life


Brink was a newcomer to television acting when she landed the role of Talas. Brink’s only role before Enterprise was in the movie Too Smooth. She had a small role in the rom-com alongside 90s superstars Neve Campbell and Rebecca Gayheart. After that, she took a long break from acting before coming back for her appearance in Enterprise. After Enterprise, Brink did a bit more television and film work. However, she decided that acting wasn’t for her.

As she told VoyageLA, working in Hollywood helped her find her true passion — gifting. She now runs three boutiques that specialize in helping clients put together the perfect gift for every occasion. Her primary business focuses on putting together custom gift sets.

Becoming Andorian

Transforming into an Andorian meant hours in hair and makeup. The look involved a bald cap with special wiring for the antennae, a prosthetic forehead piece, a wig, and an intricate makeup application. The cap went on first, then the forehead prosthetic. The antennae were placed and tweaked, then the makeup application started.

Though it might look like the Andorians were just slathered with thick layers of blue body paint, this wasn’t the case. The makeup was actually done in several layers with several different shades to achieve the exact right tint and tone for the Andorian skin.

The makeup application was actually divided into two sections. After all the prosthetics were on, makeup was applied to blend them. Then, the Andorian wig was applied to the bald cap, between the antennae. Another makeup application followed. This final makeup application ensured that no visible skin was left un-blued.

For a few of Brink’s scenes, this was no small task. In the episode “Babel One,” Brink had some scenes in which she wore nothing but her skivvies. Nearly her entire body had to be done up in blue makeup.

For that scene, she was recognized by both CBR and WhatCulture as one of Star Trek’s most alluring aliens. Though Brink’s time in the Star Trek universe was short, she made quite an impression.

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More Heavy on Star Trek News

Lt Talas was an Andorian who regularly interacted with the crew of the Enterprise. Here's what you need to know about the actress who played her.