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WATCH: ‘Final Fantasy 15’ – 10 Minutes of PS4 Gameplay

If the thought of cars in a Final Fantasy game confuses you, you’re likely going to be a little hesitant to jump into the vast open world of Final Fantasy 15. But check out the 10 minutes of Final Fantasy 15 gameplay in the video above, and you’ll notice there’s way more than just cars and flare. The environments look absolutely stunning, the animals are unique and creative, and the soundtrack will be stuck in your head by the time you’re done watching the video (you’re welcome). This is the most ambitious Final Fantasy game to date for Square Enix, and here’s to hoping that Final Fantasy XV doesn’t alienate fans.

Final Fantasy 15 is set to be released for the Xbox One and PS4 at some time in 2015, although there has yet to be a set release date.

 Buy Final Fantasy 15 here.




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Square Enix has blessed us with 10 minutes of incredible gameplay from the upcoming Final Fantasy 15.