PHOTO: New ‘Pokemon’ Seen in New ‘Sun & Moon’ Trailer?

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In a new trailer for Pokemon Sun & Moon released by CoroCoro, an unidentified and possibly new Pokemon is seen in video game footage from overworld gameplay. The Pokemon is seen on the left at the 12-second mark of the new trailer.

pokemon sun and moon, new pokemon

(YouTube / CoroCoro)

Above is a screen grab showing the unidentified and possibly new Pokemon.

The trailer is mostly the same as the one released on May 10 by Nintendo that showcased the three new starters: Rowlet, Popplio, and Litten. However, there is some new footage that shows the player trainer exiting their home and walking around.

Pokemon Sun & Moon comes out in the United States on November 18th. Reserve your copy of Pokemon Sun here or Pokemon Moon here.


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In a new trailer for Pokemon Sun & Moon released by CoroCoro, an unidentified and possibly new Pokemon is seen in video game footage from overworld gameplay.