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‘Pokemon Go’ Daily Bonuses: List of Bonuses Coming to the Game

‘Pokemon Go’ is available now for iOS and Android devices. (Nintendo)

Daily bonuses are coming soon to Pokemon Go, Niantic announced on Wednesday.

The mobile game developed has revealed on its website that in a future update, players will now have an incentive to play Pokemon Go each day, getting more XP and Stardust for performing tasks every 24 hours. The tasks are all pretty basic things that you would normally do in the game anyway, so if you simply check in on Pokemon Go for a few minutes each day, you’ll likely get the bonuses.

Here is a list of all the daily bonuses Niantic has just announced for Pokemon Go:

  • Catch a Pokemon every day – 500 XP, 600 Stardust
  • Catch a Pokemon every day for seven days straight – 2,000 XP, 2,400 Stardust
  • Visit a PokeStop and spin the Photo Disc every day – 500 XP, plus additional items
  • Visit a PokeStop and spin the Photo Disc every day for seven straight days – 2,000 XP, plus even more items.

The bonuses will all be reset at 12:00 a.m. local time. It’s not currently known what the “additional items” will be, but they’ll most likely be more of the same items players already receive from PokeStops.

This announcement comes at the end of the game’s special Halloween event, during which players were given candy bonuses for playing the game during the holiday season. This feature was extremely well received, bringing back many players who had been neglecting Pokemon Go and boosting the game’s revenue 133 percent, according to Sensor Tower. These daily bonuses can be seen as a way of making something like that Halloween event permanent, and it serves as a way to make sure users don’t forget about Pokemon Go and move on to something else.

Niantic has not yet announced when the daily bonuses will begin, but the company tends to reveal a feature within one or two weeks of it going live.


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Pokemon Go will soon begin rewarding players for completing daily tasks. Here are all of the daily bonuses coming soon to the mobile app.