‘Horizon: Zero Dawn’s’ 1.20 Patch Brings New Features to Photo Mode

Horizon Zero Dawn

Since Horizon: Zero Dawn’s release back in February, players have been scouring its beautiful lands in hopes of uncovering the truth of what happened to planet Earth. While many users spend their time hunting robotic animals and crafting new weapons, there are some who have been capturing the gorgeous world via Horizon: Zero Dawn’s Photo Mode. This optional feature allows users to stop time, position a camera, and take pictures of whatever is currently happening in-game. This, of course, has helped produce a plethora of breathtaking photos that showcase the dark, mysterious, and enchanting world that developer Guerrilla Games have made.

For those looking to have more creative freedom when in Photo Mode, Guerrilla Games have just announced the 1.20 patch which is set to drop next week. This patch will include a variety of new options for those using Photo Mode along with some other updated features to the core game itself. Players will be able to now have Aloy strike various poses and make facial expressions when you’re taking a picture. Along with this, the 1.20 patch will include three new filters, more HUD customization options, and the ability to remove icons on your map.

For the full patch notes and to see what bugs are being squashed go here. Now if you excuse us, we need to go dust off our camera and go back out into Horizon: Zero Dawn’s dangerous wildlands.

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