Many changes have been added to Fire Emblem Heroes as the new Tempest Trials event gears up. Here’s everything changed in the 1.4.0 update.
Tempest Trials is available from June 8 to 22, offering a series of maps to clear. As heroes are defeated, they are knocked out for the remainder of the campaign. The mode offers many rewards for high scores including a masked Marth unit.
The number of teams has been increased from five to eight. You can also have a dedicated Defensive team for the Arena instead of just using whatever team you have in the first slot of your list. You’ll need to battle at least once in the arena after setting your Defensive Team in order for the team to take effect.
You can now claim all rewards for completed quests at the same time. If you completed all of the quests in a list, the circle at the top will change color and automatically be moved to the right side of the list in the Quests & Missions menu. Quest notifications after battle will use different text box colors to reflect progress and completion, with progress appearing blue and completion appearing bronze.
If you tap a hero’s level at the top of their status screen, you can now see how many allies were merged to that hero.
There are now settings to double tap heroes to make them wait. Hitting “End Turn” without performing an action will simply move to the next turn. Auto-Battle Text will automatically advance text, including level ups, when set to Auto-Advance.
Maps that require certain conditions to be beat will have those conditions displayed at the beginning of the battle.
Finally, load times for the Arena have been reduced due to less data being transmitted during play. Other small improvements have been made.
‘Fire Emblem Heroes’ Update 1.4.0: What Changed?