Use these developer curated tips straight from Disruptor Beam and you’ll have more success making your way through the first 10 days of The Walking Dead: March to War.
Days 1-3: Build, Recruit and Join a Community
• When you enter the game, you’ll be given a 3-day “Cease Fire” that’s represented as a blue dove with olive branches over your base on the map. As long as the Cease Fire is active you cannot be attacked by other players. However, you can’t attack other players either; if you do, your cease fire will be immediately removed and you will be vulnerable to attack.
• It would be wise of you to use these first few days to do the following:
– Build up your Base
– Recruit and train Survivors
– Adjust graphics and performance to your preferences
– Gather and produce Resources
– Join a Community with other players. If you want to play with specific players, you can change Districts (battlefields of thousands of players) in your Account Management screen.
• If you’re successful in each of those endeavors, you won’t be such an easy target for other players when your Cease Fire expires. Purchasing the monthly Survival Boost upgrade for just a few dollars in the Marketplace gives you an extra Raiding Party, extra builders and are able to speed up the final 20 minutes of building instead of the usual 10 minutes.
Days 4-7: Resources, Adventure, Defense and Tactics
• After joining a Community of like-minded players, receiving your first allotment of bullets (the in-game currency), and starting to run Missions and scavenge for Resources, you’re on the right track, but still too weak to have much of an impact when launching an attack.
• To gain power in the game, play through Council Member stories and take advantage of the Daily Missions to unlock new, powerful Council Members. Unlocking Council Members and playing through their stories will be your primary avenue to receive bullets for free. Use these bullets to buy speedups or other resources to help improve your base.
• You should also be spending time talking with other members of your Community in the Community Chat. It’s here that you can collaborate and plan your defenses against inevitable enemy attacks. You can also share the information you gain while scouting around for enemies ripe for the taking. Use this as an opportunity to work together and develop an offensive strategy that’s sure to take down your enemy.
• Finally, never forget to scavenge for Resources. You’ll need to be vigilant about collecting as much as possible as every single Resource is vital to your survival. You will probably notice Lumber is much scarcer than food or other scavenge. Be sure to find Lumber Nodes to help build a reserve of this highly important item, even if your Lumber costs are not currently high.
Days 7-10: Attack, Protect and Survive
• By now, your Community should have some offensive and defensive strategies, and may have even had occasion to test them. You should have resources saved and be working toward training a strong group of Survivors in a powerful and well-defended Base.
• With these key components ready, your Group should be ready to take on the vicious Walker Swarms. Find the purple icons on the Overview Map, and get to slaughtering those lumbering Walkers. Taking down a Swarm yields massive rewards and Community bonuses. Make sure you’re on the rally which takes down the very last Walker in a Swarm as this will get you even bigger rewards for your effort.
• One of the biggest components of The Walking Dead: March to War is nailing down who exactly are your best allies and worst enemies. Take the time to negotiate truces with Communities you and your team deem trustworthy enough. Seek out enemy Bases and bring wrath upon them before they can build strength and take the fight to your team’s Base. And don’t horde those bullets. Be sure to spend your hard-earned bullets for highly effective boosts to make your attacks deadlier and your defenses impenetrable.