How to Catch Kyogre in Pokemon Go: Best Throws & Techniques

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Kyogre is now available in Raid Battles in Pokemon Go from now until February 14, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. PST / 4:00 p.m. EST. Defeating the Legendary Pokemon is one thing, but actually catching it is a whole other thing entirely. Here are some of the best throws and techniques you can use to increase your odds of catching Kyogre.

According to Pokemon Go Hub, Kyogre is very difficult to catch due to its far away distance from the player and movement. Curveballs are very risky due to its distance and it moving to the left and right like other floating Pokemon. They suggest practicing throwing curveballs from both screen ends and both rotations.

The publication shared capture rates for every kind of throw:

  • No Berry – Normal (2%), Nice (2.3%), Great (3%), Excellent (3.7%)
  • No Berry Curveball – Normal (3.4%), Nice (3.91%), Great (5.1%), Excellent (6.29%)
  • Razz Berry – Normal (3%), Nice (3.45%), Great (4.5%), Excellent (5.55%)
  • Razz Curveball – Normal (5.10%), Nice (5.87%), Great (6.29%), Excellent (7.65%)
  • Golden Razz Berry – Normal (5%), Nice (5.75%), Great (7.5%), Excellent (9.25%)
  • Golden Razz Curveball – Normal (8.5%), Nice (9.78%), Great (12.75%), Excellent (15.73%)


    User smacksaw on The Silph Road subreddit posted a nifty guide on how to catch Kyogre complete with pictures.

    If Kyogre is to the left, you hold the Pokeball at the bottom left corner of the screen and do a regular spin counter clockwise. Once you get a good spin, then you swipe up while angling slightly to the right (picture).

    If Kyogre is in the middle, then you hold the Pokeball at the bottom left corner of the screen and do a regular spin. Then you swipe diagonally (pretty much a 45 degree angle according to the picture).

    If Kyogre is to the right, you need to throw the ball similarly to how you throw it if it’s to the left but with a few key differences. Here you go to the bottom right corner of the screen and do a clockwise spin. Then you make a shorter yet faster swipe than when throwing from the left. Also be sure to swipe up while slightly angling it to the left (picture).

    Smacksaw also advised to get used to the time that the animations take. If Kyogre is in the middle, you need to throw quickly. If to the right, then it’s a bit more lenient time wise. The throw on the left falls somewhere in between. Also be sure to swipe the ball briskly instead of dragging slowly.

    Below is a video by user EddiOS42 to help better illustrate how to catch Kyogre. The user’s strategy is to wait until it’s in the middle and then throw the ball similarly to how smacksaw did only after its attack animation.

    Apparently you can have a pretty big advantage in catching Kyogre if your device supports AR+ (iOS 11 on iPhone 6s and newer models according to Niantic). With the feature on, you can walk up closer to Kyogre so you can nab it easier. However some users warn that curveballs can become buggy. Plus the Pokemon might still move or attack at the last second. Here are two videos illustrating the use of AR+:

    Another interesting tidbit is that according to the game_master file dug up by user DurhamNeil, Kyogre’s camera distance is 6.0. That’s the same distance as Steelix, Metang, Metagross, Wailord, Kangaskan, Gengar, and Rayquaza and is one unit shorter than Groudon’s camera distance.

    What other tips do you have for catching Kyogre? Let us know in the comment section below.

    For more Pokemon Go guides, including articles on how to defeat and train Kyogre, check out our tag on Heavy.

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    How to Catch Kyogre in Pokemon Go: Best Throws & Techniques

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