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23 Best Board Games for Kids 2022 (Updated!)

Although it’d be great if we could stay outside and play with our kids, any parent will tell you that we simply can’t always do that. And while we take our kids to playgrounds and parks to play with their outdoor toys as frequently as possible, there are other factors beyond our control that might keep them inside.

Whether it be a rainy day, cold weather, or you simply have other things to do around the house, there’s nothing wrong with getting a few board games for the kids to play with. (And for more indoor fun, check out our list of the best Nerf guns for sale.)

There are plenty of fun kids board games available right now to keep them amused on those rainy days (as I’m writing this, amusingly enough, it’s pouring rain outside). So whether you’re looking for some quiet time or you want a new family board game for game night, the list below has you covered. Here are the top 23 best board games for kids:

Price: $ – $
23 Listed Items
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxgtYTuNGng?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&autohide=2&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent

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