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MMA Link Dump: 1/22/10

Well, it’s Friday. And that means some awesome MMA links! Check out the best fighting from around the web.

Hermes Franca Interview – Talks retirement and his previous fighting life

Brock Lesnar is Back! – Brock talks to the UFC and ESPN, saying that he’s back for sure

Anderson Silva at Heavyweight? – If I saw a Silva vs Brock/Mir/Velasquez/Kimbo, I might crap myself

Rampage’s New Car Gets Smashed – That’s what you get for that whole leaving-the-UFC debaucle!

Tim Sylvia vs Wes Sims? – Special UFC Rejects Night!


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More MMA News

Well, it's Friday. And that means some awesome MMA links! Check out the best fighting from around the web. Hermes Franca Interview - Talks retirement and his previous fighting life Brock Lesnar is Back!