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UFC On FX 4 Main Card Results And Play by Play

UFC on FX 4” prelims are in the books from Revel Atlantic City in New Jersey, and Heavy.com has you covered for all the main card action.

The card features four bouts and is headlined by a main event between lightweight contenders Clay Guida and Gray Maynard. The co-main event features the third fight in a terrific trilogy between lightweights Sam Stout and Spencer Fisher.

Join Heavy.com at 9 p.m. ET for live results and round-by-round coverage from this evening’s event.

Ross Pearson vs. Cub Swanson
Round 1: Fighters throwing strikes, but neither landing early. Swanson with a leg kick. He misses with a hook, but lands a body shot. Knee from Pearson, who misses with a right. One minute down, and neither guy has landed anything of note. Pearson dodges a punch, but misses with one of his own. Takedown from Pearson at the 3:30 mark. Pearson trying to keep him down, but Swanson uses the cage to stand back up. Nice shot from Swanson sends Pearson staggering backwards, but the Brit seems okay. Nice short elbow from Swanson. Kick from Pearson. They get momentarily tied up, but Swanson pushes away. Pearson takes a huge kick, but Swanson falls backwards. An upkick lands for Swanson, but Pearson lands some nice punches to his grounded opponent. Swanson slips his way back up to the feet. He lands a sneaky punch. One minute to go in the frame. Pearson’s head kick is blocked, and the fighters trade until the end of the round without landing. Heavy.com scores the round 10-9 for Swanson.

Round 2: Swanson missing with a big uppercut to start out the round. Pearson with a nice jab. Fighters trading, but landing few shots. Swanson with a nice hook, followed by a fancy kick that misses. Pearson trying to get this fight down. He is successful momentarily, but Swanson gets back up. Pearson begins to bleed, but it does not seem serious at this point. Nice right hook from Swanson is answered by a left from Pearson. Swanson with a flying knee, but Pearson uses the strike to earn the takedown. Upkick lands for Swanson, but Pearson is on top. Strikes from Pearson with 120 seconds to go. Body punches from Pearson. Swanson is struggling here, but is staying calm. He gets back up and immediately lands a combination. Front kick lands for Swanson. Pearson looks to strike, but he eats a big hook. Pearson crumbles. Swanson looks to close in with strikes. He lands, but the referee almost immediately pulls him away. This fight is over. Great win for Swanson. Very impressive.

Official Decision: Swanson def. Pearson via technical knockout at 4:14 of Round 2

Brian Ebersole vs. T.J. Waldburger
Round 1: Touch of gloves starts this welterweight contest, and Ebersole misses with a few shots, but ducks out of the way of a combination. Waldburger lands a nice counter and drops his opponent. He is in Ebersole’s half guard and is trying to get to full mount. Ebersole in trouble after the left hook, but he is defending nicely. And Waldburger gets to mount. Ebersole is trying to escape and he rolls out. Ebersole gets caught in a D’Arce choke and it is deep. He turns and gets out and somehow escapes to his feet. Pure veteran moment from Ebersole. They are standing now. Ebersole with a nice punch to the body. He fakes takedown, and Waldburger completely bites on it. Leg kick lands for Waldburger. They clinch, and Ebersole gets a plum. Nice elbow with a separation, followed by a left hook. Ebersole has Waldburger against the cage. Nice kick from Ebersole is answered by a counter. Nice straight right from Waldburger. Ebersole lands a nice punch of his own. Ebersole with a left hand. He looks takedown, but settles for the clinch. 10 seconds to go. Nothing happens up against the cage. Heavy.com scores the round 10-9 for Waldburger.

Round 2: Waldburger counters nicely, but they quickly disengage. Takedown attempt from the prospect, and he gets it. Ebersole trying to reverse his opponent, who ist attempting a transition to the back. Ebersole gets back up and earns a takedown of his own. Walburger is looking for a submission hear with an omoplata. Ebersole pulls out and is right back on top. Elbows from Ebersole, who now has to defend an armbar. Waldburger working like crazy from the bottom. Midpoint of the round, and Ebersole escapes. Immediately, Waldburger looks for a triangle choke, but Ebersole is keeping the weight on him.  Ebersole escapes and is looking to strike. Waldburger throws his legs up again, but Ebersole doesn’t care. Ebersole with strikes from the top, unconcerned with the submission attempts. Hammerfists from Ebersole, and Waldburger slaps on a triangle choke. Ebersole, the veteran, escapes again and lands some strikes. Waldburger tries to escape, but gives up his back. Waldburger gets guard, but takes an elbow and a couple big shots as the round closes. Heavy.com scores the round 10-9 for Ebersole.

Round 3: Slow start to the final frame, but Waldburger lands first on a counter. Plum clinch for Ebersole, who lands a few knees before separation. Something like a somersault kick from Ebersole, but he misses. He clinches Waldburger up against the cage, but Waldburger is able to separate. Ebersole with a takedown attempt that drives his opponent into the cage. He trips Waldburger down with just over 2:40 remaining in the round. Waldburger attempts a triangle choke, but Ebersole is surviving. Body shots from Ebersole, followed by a nice shot to the head before escaping the submission. 90 seconds to go, and Waldburger needs to get something going. Ebersole nearly works to the back, but Waldburger turns him over and gets guard. 60 seconds to go. Scramble here, and Waldburger nearly reverses, but Ebersole continues to smother him. Nice strikes from Ebersole. Waldburger seems to be out of options at this point. Nice strike from Ebersole to end the round. The fight should be his. Heavy.com scores the round 10-9 for Ebersole.

Official Decision: Ebersole def. Waldburger via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Spencer Fisher vs. Sam Stout
Round 1: Nice combination from Fisher to start this contest, while they exchange shortly after. Leg kick from Fisher lands. Stout doesn’t seem to have his range at all as of now. Another brief exchange that works out better for Fisher. Stout finally lands, and Fisher nods, possibly in approval. Brief stalemate before they get back to business. Front kick misses for Stout, and Fisher lands a leg kick. Stout missing again. Nice combination from Fisher, and a left hook from him shoots Stout’s head back. They trade kicks, and Stout nearly falls to the mat. Nice right hook from Fisher. Stout with a takedown attempt, and Fisher ends up on his back. Stout with ground and pound, but, after a few minutes, he lets Fisher back up. Another takedown attempt from Stout almost immediately, but Fisher keeps his feet. Body kick lands for Stout. Nice leg kick for Stout. Spinning back fist at the end of the round for Fisher. Heavy.com scores the round 10-9 for Stout.

Round 2: Outside leg kick from Stout, who misses with a body kick. They engage, and Fisher lands a nice shot. Fisher with a leg kick, and Stout almost trips him to the ground. Stout looks for a takedown, but Fisher defends nicely. The fighters are trading, but neither is doing much. Kick to the body lands for Stout. Nice combo from Fisher. Big right lands for Stout. Midpoint of the round. Nice body shots from Stout, and Fisher comes forward. Front kick from Stout misses. Fisher with a right hook. Nice leg kick from Fisher, as he avoids a combination from his opponent. 90 seconds to go. Fisher with a left hook, followed by an even bigger right. Stop in action due to a shot to the groin of Stout. Action resumes, and Stout looks for the takedown. He gets it with 60 seconds to go. Fisher working short punches, but doesn’t have much going on, as Stout looks for ground and pound. 10 seconds to go. Nothing major happens. Heavy.com scores the round 10-9 for Fisher.

Round 3: Touch of gloves to start the final frame. Fisher lands a spinning elbow, followed by a left hand. They exchange, each fighter landing. They clinch up against the cage, Fisher landing knees. Stout looks takedown, but can’t get it. Spinning strike from Fisher misses, but he lands to the body and the head shortly after. Right hook lands for Fisher, followed by a straight left. They continue to exchange, but neither is landing anything significant. Vicious body kick from Stout, while Fisher fires back with a counter punch. Stout looks for a takedown with just over two minutes to go, and Fisher is on his back. He looks to stand here, but Stout is trying to smother him. Fisher back up and separates. 90 seconds to go in the round. Stout with another takedown attempt. He doesn’t get it, driving Fisher against the cage. Now he has it, moving to half guard. Fisher needs to get up. Under one minute to go. The referee stands them back up with 30 seconds to go. Fisher with a very nice left hook, but Stout fires back. These guys are throwing now. Fight comes to an end. Good three rounds from both guys. If that’s the last we see of Fisher, he certainly has nothing to be ashamed of. Heavy.com scores the round 10-9 for Stout.

Official Decision: Stout def. Fisher via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Clay Guida vs. Gray Maynard
Round 1: No touch of gloves gets this lightweight main event started. Maynard misses on a combination. Guida bouncing around, like usual. Nice left from Guida. Maynard looks very confused on the feet. Maynard missing on several shots. Nice strike from Guida. Not much landing here, but Guida is confusing Maynard and landing a few shots here and there. Miss from Maynard. Guida misses. Maynard remains confused, but Guida isn’t exactly landing many big shots. Front kick from Guida misses. Nice counter from “The Carpenter.” Maynard misses with a big right hook, mostly due to Guida dodging out of the way. Guida lunges forward, landing with a few shots. Guida with a big combo that misses here. 20 seconds to go. 10 seconds. Nothing really happening here. Heavy.com scores the round 10-9 for Guida.

Round 2: Guida bouncing around again, and Maynard apparently gets poked in the eye. He says he is fine, and a touch of gloves gets the two back in action. Maynard misses on a big right, but just barely. Maynard now misses with a big left. And another big right. Guida is completely baffling him, though Guida has done little offensively. Nice counter right from Guida. Nothing happening here. Maynard hasn’t thrown a punch in a while. He misses on a big right. Nice combo from Guida, who dodges a counter. Maynard does land a hook, finally. 90 seconds to go. Maynard trying to cut off his opponent, but struggling. The fans boo due to a lack in action. Guida with a very nice head kick with 40 seconds to go. Time is running out on the round, and Maynard has done little yet again. 10 seconds. Maynard lands a left as the round ends, but he didn’t take the round. Heavy.com scores the round 10-9 for Guida.

Round 3: Knee from Guida starts the third round. Nice right lands for Maynard, who is fighting with urgency, finally. Guida gets back to bouncing around, still having as much energy as he started with, apparently. Nice pair of lefts from Guida. Maynard is back to looking confused again, as Guida slips in a nice left. Maynard with a right. He looks takedown, but Guida stuffs it with underhooks. Great defense from Guida. Three minutes left in the round, and Guida looks takedown. He lets it go. Maynard raises his hands in frustration, as Guida continues to dip and dodge his way around the cage. Maynard misses with a big right, followed by another. He again shows his frustration, but lands a nice hook. Maynard misses on a hook. Maynard seems very frustrated, while Guida is moving around the cage almost effortlessly. Maynard complains of another eye poke, but he seems okay now. 60 seconds in the round. Guida misses on an uppercut, and Maynard does the same shortly after. Maynard finds the jab. 30 seconds to go in the round. Maynard looks takedown, but instead lands a couple of news. Maynard completely misses on a right and shows his disapproval. Heavy.com scores the round 10-9 for Guida.

Round 4: Maynard misses on a one-two and then a front-kick. Nice, sneaky right lands for Guida. Maynard tries to clinch, but fails. Guida says he grabbed his braid, but the fight continues. Guida moving like he did early, but appears to be slowing, if only a bit. Maynard is stalking, but he is not cutting off the cage, allowing Guida to move. Nice right lands for Maynard, as we reach the midpoint of the round. Maynard misses on a head kick. He is clearly frustrated, as Guida circles away. Big right misses for Maynard. 90 seconds in the round. The crowd is really unhappy, but Maynard lands a right hand. Nice right for Guida. Takedown attempt from Maynard is stuffed, but Maynard lands a nice couple of knees, followed by punches. Maynard sticks out his chin, and Guida lands. Takedown from Guida, and Maynard grabs onto a guillotine. It’s deep, but Guida escapes. Guida is on top with moments to go in the fight. Shoulder strikes from Guida as the round closes. Heavy.com scores the round 10-9 for Maynard.

Round 5: Nice straight right sneaks in for Maynard. Guida still hopping around after an uneventful first minute. Nice head kick from Guida, followed by a few more shots. Maynard with a big shot to answer. Guida with an uppercut. Maynard tries to close the distance. He looks takedown, but Guida pulls away. Midpoint of the round, and Maynard misses with a punch. He shows his frustration yet again. Maynard looks to lock up again, but Guida simply moves away. Maynard nearly cuts off the cage, but fails. The referee warns Guida against timidity. They resume, and Maynard lands nicely. Maynard with a takedown attempt, but Guida is defending nicely. One minute to go, and Maynard is going to get this takedown. Maybe not. It’s close. Time is running out. Guida escapes, but eats a few big shots. Maynard looking good as the round comes to an end. Heavy.com scores the round 10-9 for Maynard.

Official Decision: Maynard def. Guida via split-decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)


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Heavy.com has you covered with live results and round-by-round updates from "UFC on FX 4" this evening, beginning at 9 p.m. ET.