Prince Harry’s net worth derives in large part from the estate of his mother, Princess Diana. The former Princess of Wales left both of her sons wealthy men in their own right, and Harry also has many of his expenses paid by his father’s properties.
What is Prince Harry’s net worth? How rich is the prince?
A lot of the Royal Family’s wealth is caught up in property that its members could never sell (it’s not like you could ever put Buckingham Palace or Windsor Castle on the market, for example. However, the Queen has other assets and draws money from some of the properties, making her worth about $425 million) However, Harry is still sitting on a fortune of his own, and his marriage to Meghan Markle will add some more wealth to his already impressive net worth due to her career as an actress.
Prince Harry Net Worth: $40 Million
Prince Harry’s net worth is $25 million by the most conservative estimates, according to Money Magazine. Many estimates peg the prince’s net worth at closer to $40 million, however (that’s £30 million). Either way, Harry is a wealthy man. “His net worth is hard to nail down because some of his family’s fortune is kept private from the public,” according to Money Magazine.
Here’s what you need to know:
1. Princess Diana Left Trusts to Both of Her Sons Worth Millions

GettyPrincess Diana and Harry watch veterans at commemorations of VJ Day. Diana gave birth to Harry on September 15, 1984. She was 23-years-old. (Getty).
When the Princess of Wales died so suddenly in a traffic crash in Paris, she made sure that her sons, William and Harry, would be well cared for, bequeathing them both millions of dollars. Princess Diana’s estate is believed to have been about $28 million. Her sons received equal portions of her estate when they turned 30-years-old (Prince Harry is 33 and William is 35.)
That means both princes each received about $14 million from their mother. According to Esquire, Harry “started receiving annual dividends from investments when he turned 25, valued at $450,000 a year” from Diana’s estate. Some estimates put the amount each prince received at $13 million.
The Queen Mother also left Harry an inheritance when she died, but it’s not clear exactly how much. The Royal Family is very private about its finances.
Harry and Williams also inherited their mother’s jewelry collection together.
2. Many of the Prince’s Expenses are Paid by the Duchy of Cornwall

GettyPrince Harry and actress Meghan Markle
In addition to the millions he possesses in fortune, Prince Harry has a lot of his expenses paid by the Duchy of Cornwall. The same is true of his father, Prince Charles, and brother, and the Duchy of Cornwall spent about $9 million on them collectively over the past two years. According to the Duchy of Cornwall financial statement, “the majority of staff and official and charitable activities, including the official offices of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry, are paid for from His Royal Highness’s private income from the Duchy of Cornwall.”
The Prince of Wales’ annual financial review documents say the estate’s value has been increasing. “The Prince of Wales’s private income comes from the Duchy of Cornwall, an estate comprising agricultural, commercial and residential property mostly in the South West of England,” the site reports. “The Duchy also has a financial investment portfolio. His Royal Highness chooses to use the majority of his income from the Duchy to meet the cost of his, The Duchess of Cornwall’s, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s and Prince Harry’s public and charitable work.”

GettyPrince Charles is at the top of the line of succession, followed by his son Prince William. Harry is now sixth in the line.
Harry also receives an annual allowance that he shared with William and Kate. It’s estimated at $4.7 million per year. Everything from his suits to his travel expenses are covered.
Prince Charles doesn’t actually own the property in the Duchy of Cornwall. However, “his royal position enables him to receive income from it as the land’s sole beneficiary,” Reader’s Digest reports. According to The Independent, the Duchy “is a private estate that was established in 1337 by King Edward III.”
3. Prince Harry Didn’t Earn Much Money From His Military Career

GettyPrince William and his best man Prince Harry (left) are greeted by Receiver General Stephen Lamport as they arrive at Westminster Abbey ahead of the Royal Wedding of Prince William to Catherine Middleton at Westminster Abbey on April 29, 2011 in London, England.
Harry doesn’t only rest on his laurels and the fortune his mother bequeathed to him. He’s also had a military career. However, Harry’s annual salary for his time as a pilot in the British Army Air Corps was only about $45,000. The Richest says he earned slightly more, about $60,000.
Incidentally, Prince William’s net worth is said to be the same as his brother’s: About $40 million.
4. Meghan Markle Brings Some Wealth of Her Own Into the Marriage

GettyMeghan Markle
Meghan Markle’s wealth pales in comparison to her prince’s, of course, but as an actress she was not entirely without means of her own. As a star on the television show Suits, she earned $50,000 an episode, making her annual salary for the show about $450,000 a year. She also had a popular lifestyle blog, although it’s not clear how much money that brought her.
Meghan does not come from a wealthy family; her father was a soap opera lighting director who now lives a low-key lifestyle in Mexico, and her mother is a social worker. Both of Meghan’s parents have struggled with financial problems over the years. It’s likely, though, that Meghan also earned some cash from deals with brands interested in her social media influence.
Meghan’s net worth has been estimated at about $6.7 million, and that’s before the wedding. Some of her net worth derives from small roles in movies.
5. Harry & Meghan Will Live at Kensington Palace With Other Royals

Getty Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
It’s widely expected that the Queen may gift the new couple with an estate. They already live on the grounds of Kensington Palace, near William and Kate, in the small Nottingham Cottage. However, the couple is expected to move into a much larger apartment after the wedding – perhaps one with 21 rooms.
Princess Diana lived at Kensington Palace as do and have other royals, including the late Princess Margaret and Princess Eugenie. According to The Mirror, “Meghan can expect to be waited on hand and foot with valets, dressers, hairdressers, chefs and butlers at the ready.” The taxpayers pay for Prince Harry’s security, Mirror reported.
According to Homes and Property, “The Queen owns Kensington Palace on behalf of the nation, but costs of maintaining the building come out of the Sovereign Grant.” Some of the royals pay monthly rent to live at the palace, although it’s not clear whether Harry will do so.
It’s not clear whether Harry has asked Meghan to sign a prenuptial agreement.
See Also:
- The Royal Family’s Net Worth: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
- Meghan Markle’s Net Worth: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
- Prince Charles’ Net Worth: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Check out all of Heavy’s coverage of the royal wedding.
Prince Harry Net Worth: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know