WWE Monday Night RAW Preview, Results & Highlights for June 8th, 2015

Just six days before Money in the Bank live on the WWE Network — the WWE’s 5th pay-per-view in the last five weeks — Monday Night RAW came to the Big Easy and the Smoothie King Center in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Here is what happened on this week’s Monday Night RAW:

RAW Kicked Off With a Kevin Owens NXT Championship Challenge

John Cena opened RAW, but was then interrupted by Kevin Owens. The challenge was laid down: any superstar in the back had an opportunity to come down and answer either John Cena’s U.S. Championship Open Challenge or Owens’ NXT.

Neville came down to the ring to challenge his former NXT roster peer Owens. Owens defeated the longest reigning NXT Champion in history in a prep match for his rematch with John Cena Sunday at Money in the Bank.

Randy Orton Gets Revenge on Sheamus

After last week’s sneak attack by Sheamus, this week Randy Orton got some revenge on the Celtic Warrior. Both men will be in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match Sunday at Money in the Bank.

Nikki Bella vs. Paige for the Divas Championship Is Set for Money in the Bank

The 40 Tough Enough Finalists Have Been Determined

Tough Enough debuts on Tuesday, June 23rd at 8 p.m. ET on the USA Network.

Seth Rollins Will Be Involved in Tonight’s Main Event

Against… J&J Security, to prove a point to the Authority. Hm

After Touring New Orleans All Night, Dean Ambrose Returned with the WWE Championship

Can Seth Rollins defeat Dean Ambrose “on his own” this Sunday at Money in the Bank?


Ambrose and Rollins Prepare for Sunday’s Ladder Match for the WWEWHC

The Authority has tried to make Dean Ambrose’s life a living hell over the last few weeks, however, it has been Ambrose that has turned the tables at every corner and actually gotten the best of the Authority.

Last week Ambrose didn’t show up on RAW until the waning moments, but his presence made an impact as he saved Reigns from the group after his main event win against Bray Wyatt. Ambrose and Reigns once again left through the crowd — presumably to go grab more beers.

Ambrose is still in possession of Seth Rollins’ championship belt. Will he get it back and will the Authority get to Ambrose and soften him up before Sunday’s Ladder Match?

Cena or Owens?

John Cena and Kevin Owens had their feud taken up a few notches last week when Owens came out and boasted about his Elimination Chamber victory and Cena came out to respond, challenging Owens’ decisions and if he was really a man or not.

Owens believes that delivering on a promise and being a man of your word is what a role model should be, while Cena clearly views it in a different way. This feud will continue to be personal leading up to their rematch this Sunday.

Money in the Bank Will Be Determined This Sunday

Dolph Ziggler and Randy Orton have won it before. Kofi Kingston steals the show in it. Sheamus think he can win it and Roman Reigns wants it. The Money in the Bank Ladder Match took Seth Rollins’ career to new heights (just like aligning with the Authority). Some savvy and a golden ticket made him the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Who wins the briefcase this Sunday?

You Can Look… At Them Performing Twin Magic

Now that the Bella Twins returned to their old trickery Twin Magic ways, will Paige make good on her Smackdown promise to put an end to the twin sister once and for all?

And in case you missed RAW last week, here is what happened:

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WWE Monday Night RAW Preview, Results & Highlights for June 8th, 2015

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