Pavel Datsyuk announced on Saturday that he was leaving the Detroit Red Wings, retiring from the NHL, and returning home to Russia. The 37-year-old forward, who had a year left on his contract, spent his entire career with the Red Wings, helping the team win the Stanley Cup in 2002 as a rookie.
Datsyuk hoisted two Stanley Cup trophies while scoring 314 goals and getting 604 assists during his 14-year career with Detroit.
Datsyuk will continue his hockey career in Russia’s Kontinental Hockey League.
According to the Detroit Free Press, his main reason for leaving is to be closer to his teenage daughter from his first marriage.
“My family and I are grateful for our time here in Detroit,” Datsyuk said at a press conference at his hockey camp in the Detroit area. “This was not an easy decision, but it is time for us to return home.”
He also has been vocal about wanting to finish his hockey career playing before Russian fans.
“It’s difficult,” said Datsyuk, a native of Sverdlovsk, Russia. “I fight with my mind already a few years.”
He made his decision during a recent family vacation, and broke the news to Red Wings general manager Ken Holland on Friday night, according to ESPN.
Here’s a round-up of some of his greatest goals while playing for Detroit:
WATCH: Pavel Datsyuk Announces NHL Retirement