Ronaldo & Gareth Bale: Stats, Net Worth & Salary

Ronaldo's Salary More Than Doubled Bale's Last Season

Ronaldo's 2015-16 Salary: $56 Million

Bale's 2015-16 Salary: $24.9 Million

Details: Ronaldo's $56 million salary more than doubled Bale's $24.9 million. International soccer players are often able to earn more money than American professional athletes because they are not subject to strict salary cap limitations that put a cap on how much a pro athlete can earn. Bale's transfer fee did set a world record. It was previously thought Ronaldo' fee was higher, but a document leak showed that was not the case. According to ESPN, since Real Madrid paid in installments, the fee amounted to €100.7m a higher amount than Ronaldo's €91 million. (Getty)

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