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WWE SummerSlam 2016: The Results & Highlights You Need to Know

Welcome to Brooklyn. Welcome to the Barclays Center. And more importantly, welcome to WWE SummerSlam 2016.

Tonight is an evening filled with dream matches and championship encounters. Randy Orton and Brock Lesnar will engage in a main event worthy of getting the SummerSlam shine. Dean Ambrose and Dolph Ziggler will do SmackDown proud as they take go head to head for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. And for RAW, Finn Balor will tap into his demonic alter ego to face Seth Rollins for the WWE Universal Championship. Plus there’s tons more matches that fill up this mega card of epic proportions.

Now that WWE SummerSlam 2016 is currently underway, we’ll be here to give you all the results and highlights you need to know.

American Alpha (Jason Jordan and Chad Gable), The Hype Bros (Zack Ryder and Mojo Rawley) and The Usos (Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso) vs. Breezango (Fandango and Tyler Breeze), The Ascension (Konnor and Viktor) and The Vaudevillains (Aiden English and Simon Gotch) (12-Man Tag Team Match)

Winners: American Alpha (Jason Jordan and Chad Gable), The Hype Bros (Zack Ryder and Mojo Rawley) and The Usos (Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso)!

Highlights: Breeze and Gable got things underway. Gable used his amateur wrestling expertise to manhandle Breeze, but Breeze used a quick elbow strike to get him off. Gable responded to that with more of his amateur wrestling skills. Jey Uso got tagged in to do battle with English. English used his strikes to knock down Jey, buy Jey quickly recovered and used some strikes of his own. Mojo then entered the fray and powered down English. After Mojo acknowledged English’s non-hype, Ryder entered the match after hitting a tag team move with Mojo. Ryder got in some good offense on English for a bit, then every man ran in and got into a huge scuffle. On the inside and outside, everyone got into mini-fights that erupted into chaos.

Gotch began to beat down Ryder while his heel partners looked on. Viktor then hopped inside to punish Ryder some more. Ryder got taken down some more after a huge tag team maneuver by The Ascension. Konnor got in some offense for a bit then made the tag to Breeze (his partners snuck in some offense behind the ref’s back). Breeze and Fandango used a tag team move of their own to ground Ryder some more. Viktor then re-entered the match to slap a chokehold on Ryder. The Ascension knocked down a few of Ryder’s partners, but Ryder managed to cause some of his rivals to get knocked off their apron. Ryder landed a neckbreaker on Konnor and tagged in Jimmy Uso.

Jimmy used his comeback offense on Breeze and Konnor. Breeze dodged a running splash from Jimmy, but Jordan came in to lay him and a few of his partners out with suplexes. All of a sudden, everyone from each team caused more anarchy by exchanging finishing moves. Plenty of big moves were dished out. The Usos even went sky-high to land dual plancha splashes. American Alpha landed their finisher on Gotch, which was followed by a Superfly Splash for the win.

Sami Zayn & Neville vs. The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray Dudley and D-Von Dudley)

Winners: Sami Zayn & Neville!

Highlights: D-Von and Neville got this match underway. Zayn got tagged in to keep D-Von’s arm trapped. This led to frequent tags between both men that led to more work being down on D-Von’s injured arm. Neville then used Zayn as a springboard to land a Moonsault on D-Von. They then used their teamwork to get a dropkick on Buh Buh. Zayn and Neville looked to capitalize, but Neville got taken down by Bubba from behind. D-Von then began laying in his best moves on Neville. The Dudley Boyz punished Neville for a good while afterwards (Neville even got dropped with a neckbreaker from Bubba off the top rope).

Bubba got to the top rope to hit a Senton Bomb, but Neville dodged his splash attempt and made the hot tag to Zayn. Zayn got in and pulled off his best maneuvers against D-Von. Bubba came in to aid D-Von, but Zayn laid punched into both men. Zayn then got put down with a Dudley Boyz tag team maneuver. Neville almost ate a 3D, but he flipped out of it and caused Bubba to clothesline his own man. Zayn landed a Helluva Kick on Bubba that was followed up by a Red Arrow from Neville for the final pin.

Cesaro vs. Sheamus (First Match in a Best of Seven Series)

Winner: Sheamus!

Highlights: Both strongmen locked up in the corner during a very rough exchange. Both men went for their finishers early, but neither was successful. Cesaro ended up getting the better of Sheamus with European Uppercut’s, a dropkick and more harsh strikes. Sheamus responded right back with some stiff strikes of his own. Sheamus looked to clobber Cesaro with his chest punch shots, but Cesaro powered out of it. Sheamus switched his focus to Cesaro’s arm by dropping it onto the top rope. Back in the ring, Sheamus suplexed Cesaro and began wearing down his arm. After being locked in Sheamus’ grasp for a few moments, Cesaro escaped and slammed Sheamus with a unique maneuver. Cesaro followed that up with a suplex, but Sheamus got back control of the match with more strikes and a Powerslam. Sheamus then decided to lock Cesaro in a chinlock. Cesaro eventually fought out of his hold, but he got taken down again with an Irish Curse.

Sheamus and Cesaro started battering each other again with strikes. Sheamus flipped over with Cesaro on his back for a quick slam. Sheamus then went for a suplex, but then a counter war began. Soon both men lifted each other right over the top rope. They got back into the ring to break the ref’s 10-count just in time. After some Sheamus trash talking and strikes, Cesaro got a 2nd wind and laid in some strikes of his own. His comeback offense began wearing down his Irish opponent. Cesaro even suplexed Sheamus right into the ring from the outside 2nd rope. Both men went back and forth for a bit before Cesaro got dropped with a White Noise slam. Sheamus kept attacking Cesaro and took him to the top rope for something big: a Rolling Senton Slam!

Sheamus signaled for his big finisher and looked to land it, but Cesaro landed a big boot and clothesline on Sheamus. Cesaro then climbed to the top rope then onto the ring post to land a huge flying body splash on Sheamus. After that landed, Cesaro hit a 10-rotation Big Swing on Sheamus that went right into the Sharpshooter for a few seconds. Sheamus escaped it, but almost got caught in it again. Sheamus then took the win by shoving Cesaro into the ring post after thumbing him in the eye, which was then followed up with a Brogue Kick.

Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs. Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens

Winners: Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens!

Highlights: Enzo and Cass showed love to BK with their usual trademark catchphrases, some ol’ school B.I.G. lyrics and more NYC appreciation. Once the bell rang, Jeri-KO wasted no time in attacking their opponents. Jericho got his hands on the smaller Enzo for a bit of offense. Enzo finally countered back with a few moves of his own and finally got his tall partner in to do some offense of his own. Cass threw Owens into the ring and worked him over with some big slams and a double team move with Enzo. Y2J got into the match, but he soon got cut off with some of Enzo’s offense. Enzo then ended up getting launched right onto Jericho and Owens on the outside. Enzo looked to land several punches on Enzo on the top rope, but he got distracted by Owens and then dropkicked by Jericho. Owens and Jericho then began beating the hell out of Enzo and taunting him mercilessly.

Jericho locked Enzo into a chinlock and wore him down even more. Enzo got out of the hold, but was soon put back down with a dropkick. Owens then returned to the bout to ground Enzo even more. Enzo got shoved into the corner, but he fought back with punches and kicks to both men. Enzo then hit an Enzuguri on Owens on the outside. He tried jumping into a tag to Cass, but Y2J shoved him away and then dropkicked Cass of the ring apron. Owens then went airborne for a big Frog Splash on Enzo. Owens then continued verbally and physically abusing Enzo. Owens went for his corner Cannonball Splash, but Enzo dodged it and managed to tag in a fresh Cass.

Cass went crazy as he used his flashiest moves to tear into Jeri-KO. Enzo and Cass looked to land their finisher, but Owens prevented it from happening. Owens then hit his Cannonball Splash to Cass near the security barrier. Enzo threw Y2J off the top rope and then took him down his flying DDT. This was all for naught however since Owens launched Enzo into the air right into a Codebreaker from Jericho. JERI-KO WINS!

Find out how to watch a free live stream of WWE SummerSlam 2016 here:

Find out how to watch WWE SummerSlam 2016 in Spanish at AhoraMismo.com:

Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte (WWE Women’s Championship; Dana Brooke is Barred From Ringside)

Winner: The new WWE Women’s Champion, Charlotte!

Highlights: Charlotte used her father’s legendary call to taunt Banks, which caused Banks to almost lock in her Banks Statement. When Charlotte got back into the ring, she almost rolled Banks up for a quick pin. Banks escaped and used a spinning arm drag and a foot shove into the ring pads to further hurt her challenger. On the top rope, Charlotte managed to use her boot to choke Banks right over it. Then Charlotte injured Banks’ back with a Sidewalk Slam on the top rope. Charlotte wasted no time in capitalizing on Banks’ torn up back. Charlotte then locked Banks into the Gory Special submission. When Banks attempted to escape, Charlotte rolled her up into a Backslide Pin. Banks began getting her wind back after kicking out. Banks then used her newly found adrenaline to lay in some moves on Charlotte. However, Charlotte countered Banks in the corner with an STO knee/slam maneuver. Charlotte decided to keep working over Banks in the corner.

Charlotte looked to land a Superplex, but Banks kicked her away and then came off the top with a Hurricanrana. Charlotte countered that move and almost locked in her Figure Eight. That submission attempt was thwarted by Banks, but Banks found herself trapped on the top rope. Charlotte almost landed a top rope Razor’s Edge, but Banks countered her with a huge Hurricanrana. After both women struggled to get back to their feet, they exchanged blows when they got back to their feet. Charlotte soon found herself locked into a Boston Crab with her legs strewn over the top rope. Banks then used both her knees to shove them right into Charlotte’s back. Banks threw Charlotte into the ring corner, but Charlotte flipped to the ring apron and tripped up Banks. A back and forth exchange soon began on the top rope, but it shockingly ended with Banks dropping her knees onto Charlotte on the outside.

Back in the ring, both women tried to land their big finishers but to no avail. Charlotte then got locked right into the Banks Statement and almost tapped. She escaped Banks’s hold, landed a neckbreaker on her and then looked to finish her off with a Natural Selection. Banks continued to survive after several pin attempts. Charlotte kept taunting Banks some more, but she soon got trapped in the Banks Statement again. However, Charlotte pushed herself over onto Banks and got the shocking winning pin.

The Miz (c) (with Maryse) vs. Apollo Crews (WWE Intercontinental Championship)

Winner: And still the WWE Intercontinental Champion, The Miz!

Highlights: Miz started his offensive run early with a string of moves on Crews. Crews tried to land a dropkick, but Miz shooed his feet away and then DDT’d him. Miz then put Crews right into a chinlock to keep him on the mat. Crews made his escape, but Miz slipped to the outside and pulled Crews face right atop the ring apron. Miz looked to fly onto Crews with a big strike, but Crews finally connected with a dropkick. Crews then went into his usual array of impressive comeback maneuvers. Miz almost hit his finisher, but Crews dropped Miz with a Enzuguri.

Miz then got dropped again with a nice Powerslam. Miz did his best to put his challenger down by clotheslining him in the corner, but Crews caught him with a Belly to Belly Suplex and a Standing Moonsault. Miz ran out of the ring and looked to leave the match entirely, but Crews cut him off. After some outside confusion, Crews mistakenly threw himself onto the ring corner post. Miz then finished him off with his Skull Crushing Finale.

John Cena vs. AJ Styles

Winner: AJ Styles!

Highlights: Early on, AJ got the best of Cena during their lockup exchanges. AJ even landed his signature leapfrog into a dropkick maneuver on Cena, but it didn’t pay off to well since Cena decked AJ right in the face. Cena then threw AJ into the ring corner several times and cracked him with even more punches. Cena almost finished AJ with an AA on the ring apron, but AJ countered him by suplexing him right onto the same hard area of the ring. AJ then landed a few strikes on Cena for a few moments before he got backdropped by a quickly refreshed Cena. AJ found himself locked into a chinlock and then when he escaped, Cena got some nice air with a dropkick of his own. Cena then stayed the course by suplexing AJ and striking him over and over. AJ finally got the advantage on Cena with his combo strikes. But that bit of offense didn’t do much to keep Cena grounded.

Cena responded to AJ’s offense wit his signature comeback arsenal. But AJ soon flipped out of Cena’s AA and caught Cena with a Pele Kick and his Styles Clash. Cena still managed to hang on and keep fighting, though. Soon after that, Cena caught AJ off guard with a shocking AA. But AJ escaped Cena’s following pin attempt. Cena looked to go big with a tope rope AA, but AJ left the top rope by hopping over Cena. AJ then locked Cena into a Torture Rack that went right into a Spinning Rack Slam. AJ looked to follow that big move up, but Cena catapulted AJ’s head onto the ring post and then put him down with a new Stunner-like maneuver. The action got even more intense as AJ escaped an STF and dropped Cena neck first onto his knee. AJ threw in nasty forearm strikes to stay atop Cena.

AJ almost landed his Springboard 450 Splash, but Cena moved out of the way at the last second. Cena almost got the win with a Code Red, but AJ kicked out! Cena went for another big move, but AJ fought him off and put him down with a German Suplex/Facebuster combo. AJ tried landing his Phenomenal Elbow but Cena dodged him and caught him with his STF submission hold. AJ remained locked in for a while before he slipped out and locked in a quick Crossface. Cena got back to his feet and almost landed another AA, but AJ rolled over with Cena’s leg intact for a Calf Crusher. AJ looked to get the submission victory, but Cena escaped again and got in his STF. When both men slipped out of a pinning situation, AJ landed a nice Enzuguri on Cena. Cena booted AJ in the face as he approached though, which led into Cena landing a Spinning DDT off the top rope. Cena went to his high risk maneuver template and landed his leg drop right over AJ’S head, but AJ still kicked out of the proceeding pin.

Cena perched AJ atop the top rope for a big AA, but AJ fought his way out of it and landed a nice Frankensteiner. AJ then almost got the 1-2-3 after cracking Cena with his Phenomenal Elbow. AJ found himself in position for another AA, but AJ escaped. But AJ ran right into a huge clothesline, though. Cena finally landed his top rope AA on AJ and almost got the victory! While AJ crawled to his feet, Cena looked on in amazement while sitting in the ring corner. Cena went for another AA, but AJ took him down with another Styles Clash and a Phenomenal Elbow for the win!

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The New Day (Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston) (c) vs. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson (WWE Tag Team Championship)

Winners: Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson by DQ…

Highlights: Turns out Jon Stewart decided to align with The New Day to make up for Big E’s absence. Kofi and Anderson got this match started. After some lockup battles, Kofi got the better of Kofi with his high flying offense. Anderson looked to Monkey Flip Kofi to the mat, but Kofi landed on his feet and put down Anderson. Xavier helped his New Day brethren out by putting down Anderson with a tag team move. Gallows came in, but he got cut down with a dropkick to the knee from Xavier. Then Xavier and Kofi hit their big stomp combo and running dropkicks to Gallows in the corner. Once Gallows ended up the outside, Kofi took to the air and launched himself right onto Gallows. Kofi climbed to the top rope but due to a distraction from Anderson, Gallows kicked Kofi right off of it. Anderson then entered the match and began assaulting Kofi.

Anderson kept the offense up with his partner for a several moments. Gallows missed a big running splash, which led to Kofi tagging in Xavier. Xavier pulled out his quickest moves on a now weakened Anderson. Xavier climbed on the top rope, crawled across the rope and landed a huge elbow drop to Anderson halfway across the ring. The action continued with a double team move that almost ended Anderson. Gallows returned to the ring to land a huge boot on Xavier. Anderson and Gallows landed their Magic Killer on Kofi after Xavier got caught with a Spinebuster. All of a sudden, Jon Stewart interrupted the match and almost got his balls slammed into the ring post. Then Big E made his surprise return and tore up Gallows and Anderson. The match was thrown out, but The New Day chose to celebrate with their newest member anyway.

Dean Ambrose (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler (WWE World Championship)

Winner: And still the WWE World Champion, Dean Ambrose!

Highlights: Both Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan came out to watch the match’s proceedings. The crowd cheered loudly for Ambrose as soon as the match began. Both men slapped each other and got locked into some quick pins as the ref tried to regain control. Ziggler took Dean out with a nice dropkick and followed him outside the ring with a Stinger Splash/Neckbreaker combination. Back in the ring, Dean and Ziggler struggled for a bit before Ziggler got thrown clean out of the ring. Dean beat down Ziggler outside the ring for a bit before he brought him back into it for even more punishment. Dean came off the top rope with Ziggler by landing a big double arm suplex. Dean kept beating on Ziggler with more strikes and even a single-leg crab. When Dean came off the top rope, Ziggler cracked him with a dropkick. Ziggler looked to start up some new offense, but Dean planted him with a Glamazon Slam (shout out to Beth Phoenix). Dean mocked Ziggler by signaling for a Super Kick, but Ziggler stayed in the fight after spiking Dean with a DDT.

The action got more intense as it headed into 2nd gear. Ziggler got in a line of effective maneuvers that lasted a good while. Dean made sure to get himself back on top with his signature comeback offense. Dean made fun of Ziggler’s antics by mimicking him again, but then he got locked into a sleeper hold. Dean chose to throw both himself and Ziggler to the outside to break the hold. Ziggler landed a nice headbutt strike and Superkick to Dean right over the security barrier. Ziggler went for another Superkick, but Dean shoved his foot away and almost hit his Dirty Deeds. But Ziggler countered him with a Zig Zag. Ziggler laid in some punches on Dean and then locked on another Sleeper Hold. Dean almost fell out, but he got back to his feet and took Ziggler down with a Rebound Lariat. Dean then took to the tope rope for another big move, but Ziggler shook the rope and caused him to trip right onto his groin. Ziggler looked to drop Dean with his top rope Facebuster, but both men landed on their feet. Dean then finished Ziggler off with a devastating Dirty Deeds.

Carmella, Becky Lynch, and Naomi vs. Natalya, Alexa Bliss and Nikki Bella (Six-Woman Tag Team Match)

Winners: Natalya, Alexa Bliss and Nikki Bella!

Highlights: Eva Marie didn’t show up as expected, so a freshly healed Nikki Bella made her return. Becky and Alexa got the match started with dueling pin attempts. Alexa landed a nice knee strike to Becky’s gut and followed that up with a forearm strike. Becky countered Alexa’s leapfrog by grabbing her leg in mid-air. Naomi got tagged in to then lock up with Natalya. Both women pulled off some impressive moves against each other, which came to a close with Naomi’s split into a Legdrop. Carmella then entered the match by taunting Natalya and throwing her across the ring with a Headscissors. Natalya ran to the outside , but she was met with a Clothesline. Back in the ring, Carmella found herself slammed to the mat with a Powerslam. Natalya then tagged in Nikki, who received some love from the crowd. Nikki locked Carmella into a chinlock, but she wiggled out of it. Carmella ran right into a big Spinebuster, though.

Alexa then entered the match and helped weaken Carmella some more. Carmella almost got the hot tag, but Alexa stopped her with a swift knee maneuvers. Natalya then got in to keep working over Carmella. Natalya’s submission hold kept Carmella locked in pain but when she escaped and dodged a clothesline from Natalya, Becky got the hot tag. Becky used her comeback offense on Natalya and gave her and her three partners some extra kicks for good measure. Becky took Natalya down with an Enzuguri and went to the top rope. She ended up landing a big top rope leg drop, but her pin attempt got stopped by Nikki. Alexa entered the match, but Naomi came in to land her swiftest kicks on her. Alexa dodged her Split Legged Moonsault and tagged in Nikki, who ended up battling Carmella. Chaos ensued as every woman entered the ring for a big brawl. Nikki soon clean clocked Carmella with an elbow strike and got the win for her team with a TKO.

Find out how to watch a free live stream of WWE SummerSlam 2016 here:

Finn Bálor vs. Seth Rollins (WWE Universal Championship)

Winner: The 1st ever WWE Universal Champion, Finn Bálor!

Highlights: Mick Foley and Stephanie McMahon came out to reveal the new WWE Universal Championship. As soon as the bell rung, Balor caught Rollins with his Shotgun Dropkick into the corner. Rollins almost got caught with his finisher, but he ran out of the ring. But Balor cut him off again with a plancha. Once they hopped back into the ring, Balor began working on Rollins’ leg with repeated kicks and offense in the corner. The action ended up on the outside once more and this time, Rollins got the best of Balor. Rollins threw Balor into the ring timekeeper’s corner, but Balor recovered and struck Rollins down with a flying forearm. Back in the ring once again, Balor kept torturing Rollins by further injuring his knees. Balor tried to keep his offensive string of moves going, but Rollins ended up picking him up and launching him with a Powerbomb to the security barrier. Rollins then regained control and began beating down Balor.

Rollins used a backbreaker and a submission hold to work on Balor’s back. Rollins continued getting the best of Balor with his continued offense to his back. Rollins laid out Balor out with flying knee strike and a beautiful Frog Splash off the top rope. Rollins stayed in control for a few more moments, but all his taunting didn’t pay off when he got dropped with a Balor DDT. Balor then got going again by taking Rollins down with his comeback offense. Balor took Rollins down with his Slingblade, but he was unable to follow it up after getting dropkicked. Soon both men found themselves in a very cool sequence where plenty of kicks were exchanged. Balor then got hold of Rollins and dropped him with a Reverse DDT and his even bigger variation, the 1916. Balor almost landed his big top rope finisher, but Rollins rolled out of the way and locked in a leg submission right around Balor’s head. Balor was forced to roll out of the ring.

Rollins finally got Balor back into the ring. He got kicked a few times in the leg again by Balor, but Rollins responded with a Buckle Bomb and a Superkick. Balor looked to make a comeback with his striking combo, but Rollins shocked the world by bringing back his Small Package Driver. Rollins climbed to the top rope, but he got cut off by a side kick from Balor. On the outside, Balor dropkicked Rollins into the ringside barrier then landed his double foot stomp onto his back back inside the ring. Balor then looked to finish Balor off, but Rollins dodged him and took him down with a Pedigree. Balor kicked out, though! Both men went back and forth with several more big moves. Rollins almost landed his Phoenix Splash, but Balor moved out of the way. Balor almost lost again after eating a Superplex after he got put on the top rope. But Balor double foot stomped Rollins, dropkicked him into the corner a final time and got the win with his Coup De Grâce.

Rusev (c) (with Lana) vs. Roman Reigns (WWE United States Championship)

Winner: No one…

Highlights: As soon as Reigns entered the ring, Rusev put his paws on him and beat the hell out of him outside the ring. Rusev even used the steel steps to further inure Reigns’ weakened arm. Reigns finally put some space in between him and Rusev after shoving him into the ring keeper’s section. Then Reigns kept his assault going by landing a Superman Punch. Reigns and Rusev then ended up getting into a pull apart brawl where several ref’s attempted to break it up. Reigns used a steel chair to slam it into Rusev’s gut, which led into a chair shot right to Rusev’s back. Reigns landed tons more punches to Rusev as the officials tired to stop him. The ring announcer announced that Rusev was unable to compete and defend his title. Soon after, Reigns came back and speared the hell out of Rusev.

Find out how to watch a free live stream of WWE SummerSlam 2016 here:

Brock Lesnar (with Paul Heyman) vs. Randy Orton

Winner: Brock Lesnar!

Highlights: Paul Heyman did his best introduction of his powerful client to the delight of the crowd. Both GM’s of their respective brands watched backstage as their Superstars locked up. Lesnar wasted no time in tearing into Orton as he threw big stomach shoves into Orton. Lesnar looked for suplex, but Orton pushed him off and landed a dropkick. Orton then tried to land an RKO, but Lesnar just shoved him to the mat back first. Lesnar then began taking Orton to “Suplex City” Orton tried to fend him, but it simply failed as he got suplexed again and again. The match soon ended up on the outside, which saw Lesnar Powerslam Orton onto an announce table. Lesnar did it once more and then forced Orton to crash right through the table. Lesnar had his way with Orton as he suplexed him again. Lesnar planted Orton atop an announcer’s table for something big, but Orton countered him by RKO’ing right on the table.

Lesnar climbed through the middle rope, but Orton caught him with a DDT. Then Orton landed a 2nd RKO, but Lesnar kicked out! Orton signaled for his Running Punt, but Lesnar picked Orton up and brought him back to the mat with an F5. Lesnar went into MMA mode as he began using his ground and pound punches to bloody Orton. Ringside doctors arrived to aid Orton and close his bloody wound, but Lesnar continued punching a KO’d Orton. Lesnar ended up getting the TKO victory. After the bell officially rung, Lesnar kept beating down Orton. Shane McMahon ran down to help Orton, but Lesnar decided to F5 him. Lesnar made his exit as the crowd booed to end the show.

Find out how to watch a free live stream of WWE SummerSlam 2016 here:

Best Non-Match Moments/Highlights

Come back and join us for the results and highlights from WWE Backlash 2016 on September 11, 2016!

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