During all of his matches, WWE superstar Cesaro can be seen wearing some sort of black tape on his left shoulder. Have you ever wondered what exactly that tape is and what practical purpose it serves?
Well, Cesaro is wearing what’s called kinesiology tape, and it is intended to reduce pain after an injury, to improve circulation, and to correct muscular alignment. He uses a particular brand called RockTape, which he has been wearing ever since he returned from an injury last year.
In an interview with RockTape, Cesaro said that it was Finn Balor who introduced him to this brand of kinesio tape.
“My buddy (Finn Balor) told me he uses kinesio tape for his knee and I should try it on my shoulder,” Cesaro said. “Also the trainers at the WWE Performance Center, which is the training center for aspiring WWE Superstars, where I did my rehab would use it to get swelling down. So I tried it one day and loved it.”
Cesaro went on to say that ever since he had rotator cuff surgery in November 2015, he likes using to tape because it “helps my posture and puts my shoulder in the right place.” He added that the tape “also gives me that added stability…Thanks to that added stability I don’t have to worry about anything. I’ve also used it on my upper back before as well and it helped relieve tension.”
A number of other WWE superstars have made use of therapeutic tape. For a period of time in 2012, John Cena wore some of it on his arm after he had triceps surgery. However, Cesaro is the only superstar who wears it on every single show, and although it has a practical purpose, it also has just become a part of his look.
“On top of [the health benefits], it looks badass,” he told WWE.
WWE: Why Cesaro Wears Tape on His Left Shoulder