WWE ‘Monday Night RAW’ Spoilers & Match Results August 6th

WWE.com Ronda Rousey vs. Alicia Fox

The latest episode of Monday Night RAW is currently airing on the USA Network. Here’s what’s happened so far:

11:00Rousey wins. She gets the victory by submission.

10:58 – Rousey attacks, but Bliss distracts Ronda her and drives her into the ring post. Rousey gets even more upset angry and unloads on Fox, throwing her to the mat and out of the ring. before she rolls out of the ring. Rousey throws Fox across the ring and puts her in the armbar.

Alicia Fox vs. Ronda Rousey

10:48 – Charly Caruso interviews Alicia Fox and Alexa Bliss before Ronda Rousey heads towards the ring.

10:45The Riott Squad wins. They celebrate as they exit the ring.

10:40 – The Riott Squad have plans to act, and they get right to it. Liv Morgan smashes Bayley’s face into the mat for a near fall, but Bayley is able to recover by dropping Morgan into the top turnbuckle. Bayley hits a hurricanrana from the top rope before Banks takes her down with a Meteora. Logan then manages to pin Sasha with a roll-up.

The Riott Squad vs. Boss & Hug Connection

10:26 – Renee Young interviews Paul Heyman about the Brock Lesnar incident last week. Heyman says he doesn’t know what his current relationship with Lesnar is. He gets mad and accuses Young of taking pleasure in his pain. Heyman says Lesnar will still beat Reigns at SummerSlam.

10:20 – Axel clotheslines Dash to start things off and gets him to a one count before tagging Dawson in. and hits a double team combo. Axel and Dallas collide and both go down. Suddenly, the lights go out and Wyatt and Hardy appear. They cause a disqualification when they decide to attack attack Dawson and Dallas.

The B-Team vs. The Revival

10:08Ziggler & McIntyre wins. Ziggler hits Rollins with an additional Superkick and pins him.

10:05 – Rollins puts up a valiant effort. He lays into Ziggler but the combination of Ziggler and McIntyre are too much for him to handle, and they gain the upper hand. Rollins summons one last burst of aggression and sends Ziggler into the corner with a bucklebomb, but McIntyre levels Rollins with a clothesline.

Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre

9:50 – Angle and Corbin tell Reigns that Stephanie has decided he can’t be Rollins’ partner tonight. Rollins goes to the ring by himself. An angered Reigns hits Corbin in the ribs.

9:45 – Mahal wins by disqualification. Strowman keeps the briefcase, but Mahal escapes his wrath by disappearing into the crowd.

9:40 – Owens grabs the MITB briefcase and tries to run away, but Strowman runs after him. Strowman catches him and hits him hard. He gets disqualified when he hits Mahal, however, allowing Mahal to be the winner by disqualification.

Braun Strowman vs. Jinder Mahal

9:35 – Owens continues talking about talks how he and Mahal both have wins over Strowman. He keeps talking over Mahal, telling him he should face Strowman again. Suddenly the stage starts to move, and its revealed that Strowman is tipping over the whole set.

9:30 – Rezar wins. Backstage we see Kevin Owens sitting on the new set for The Kevin Owens Show. He welcomes Jinder Mahal as his guest and says that Mahal’s techniques have taught him how to relax.

9:25 – Rezar dominates the match until Titus corners him for some shoulder thrusts. He hits a corner splash, but Akam, Rezar’s partner, distracts him so Rezar can get him with a boot to the face. He traps Titus with a spinebuster for the pin.

Rezar vs. Titus O’Neal

9:10 – Lashley says he liked Elias’ documentary. Elias says he came off too egotistical, but Lashley says it was accurate. Elias tries to leave the ring, but he decides to take a cheap shot at Lashley and Lashley knocks him down.

9:05 – Elias is in the ring after the break and he begins to play a song. He says he’s filming another documentary and keeps telling the cameraman how to shoot him. Elias insults the audience a few times, but then Bobby Lashley comes out to shut him up.

9:00 – Roode wins. He maintains the pin on Rawley.

8:50 – Rawley is the aggressor early on, smacking Roode with sidewalk slam and a running forearm that demolishes him. Roode is able to recover though, and he takes Rawley down with a blockbuster. Rawley tries to counter but Roode counters right back with a Glorious DDT for the win.

Bobby Roode vs. Mojo Rawley

8:40 – Angle tells Seth Rollins that he can face Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler in a tag match only if he finds a partner. We cut back to the ring to see Bobby Roode preparing to face Mojo Rawley.

8:35Reigns wins. He pins a weary Corbin for the victory.

8:30 – Reigns’ anger is evident from the start, and he gets a few good hits on Corbin before the latter is able to recover. Once he does, however, the match gets much closer. He lays out Reigns with a clothespin and just misses a pin. He then takes Reigns down with a Deep Six, but Reigns again manages to kick out. but he manages to kick out. Reigns finally regains the momentum with a brutal Superman punch and Corbin decides to leave the ring rather than face his opponent’s wrath. Finn Balor comes out and blocks his path, however, forcing Corbin back to the ring so he can get speared by Reigns.

Roman Reigns vs. Baron Corbin

8:10 – Reigns calls out Corbin for not protecting Angle against Lesnar. Angle says he hopes Reigns beats Lesnar at SummerSlam. Reigns and Corbin prepare for their match.

8:07 – Angle and Baron Corbin come to the ring to open the show. Kurt starts talking about Ronda Rousey, saying that she’s a true professional over someone like Lesnar. Corbin warns him to watch his mouth, but Angle says that Lesnar is ruining the universal title. Before Angle can continue, Roman Reigns comes out to the ring.

8:03 – The episode opens with a recap of last week, including Lesnar’s attack on Paul Heyman and RAW general manager Kurt Angle.


The biggest story heading into tonight’s episode is Ronda Rousey. The self-proclaimed “baddest woman on the planet” is back from her suspension and fuming after seeing Alexa Bliss take a cheap shot at her alley Natalya and cost her a victory. Instead of waiting until SummerSlam to attack Bliss or Alicia Fox, however, Rousey wants to take a crack at them tonight. She will face Fox in a one-on-one match, making it the first time in her career that she’s competing on RAW.

We’ll also see Mojo Rawley taking on Bobby Roode tonight. Rawley has been on a tear as of late, demolishing opponents like Tyler Breeze and No Way Jose, but Roode made it clear last week that he’s not afraid of him. After Rawley was caught bragging about his accomplishments in the locker room, an irate Roode attacked him. RAW general manager Kurt Angle broke things up, but he also decided to schedule a match so that they can sort their differences out in the ring. Will Rawley continue his reign or will Roode put a violent end to his winning streak?

Then, of course, there’s the aftermath of what happened with Brock Lesnar on last week’s episode. After dismissing Paul Heyman’s attempts to bring him out to the ring, Lesnar showed up, assaulted Kurt Angle, and grabbed Heyman by the face until he was incapacitated. Roman Reigns wasn’t on WWE ground when the incident happened, as he was forced to leave by RAW commissioner Stephanie McMahon. You can expect Reigns to have plenty to say about Lesnar’s actions, along with the standard trash-talk that comes with prospective SummerSlam opponents. The real mystery will be whether Lesnar shows up to answer for what he did, or whether he’ll recede once more to let Reigns fume.

In other news, Seth Rollins is still dealing with the fallout of last week’s episode. After Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler kept Rollins from pinning Drew McIntyre (and causing a disqualification in the process), the duo attacked Rollins backstage and left him reeling for some payback. Its likely we’ll see some form of Rollins’ payback tonight, or at least the foundation for whatever plan he has being laid.

Per usual, Kevin Owens will continue to have trouble with Braun Strowman, The B-Team will continue to rile themselves up and prepare for their match against The Revival, whom they face tonight, and newly affirmed best friends Sasha Banks and Bayley will team up again against the Riott Squad.


WWE ‘Monday Night RAW’ Spoilers & Match Results August 6th

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