Quinton Jefferson and the Seattle Seahawks are in Dallas, Texas, for tonight’s Wild Card game against the Cowboys. Jefferson played all 16 of the Seahawks’ regular season games, tallying 25 combined tackles and recording six sacks.
Cheering him on every step of the way is his wife, Nadia, and their four children.
Here’s what you need to know:
Nadia Arrived in Dallas on Friday
Nadia flew into Dallas with her kids on Friday, January 4. She uploaded a video to her Instagram story, announcing that she had arrived in Dallas. She also uploaded a few photos showing her kids at the hotel and letting everyone know that she’s ready for tonight’s big game.
“WE did it! I am SO proud of you @q_jeff99 your first complete season still healthy. Got a sack and recovered the fumble last home game. Now let’s get to that Super Bowl,” Nadia captioned the photo above, congratulating her husband on an epic football season.
She Runs a Blog & an Instagram Account, Both Called ‘Jefferson Party of 6’
Nadia is a dedicated mom and wife. Over the years, Nadia has been a big supporter of her husband’s career. Adding four kids to the mix made things a bit trickier, but she seems to be handling things well.
“My new normal is to continually get used to new normals,” her Instagram bio reads.
Nadia keeps her Instagram account up to date and tries to keep her family, friends, and followers up to speed on her day-to-day life. Additionally, she runs a blog called “Jefferson Party of 6,” in which she writes about her family and shares some of life’s happenings.
In her most recent post from December 29, Nadia blogged about food. The post titled “Get in my belly,” Nadia discussed some of her favorite foods and shared some of her favorite foodie hotspots in Seattle.
“So I love to eat and previously mentioned I have a horrible sweet tooth. When I get stressed out or a long day with the kiddos I love something sweet, not even a big chocolate fan but give me ice cream any time of year and I am very very happy! One of my favorite things to do with Quinton is find new places, it is actually my favorite thing because we both are down to try anything so it is fun when you have a partner who likes to try all the different types of food that are out there. I also knew how much Quinton loved me because I love Italian food and went to a few Italian food places while we were dating and one day was talking to his mom about restaurants, food, and Q and she said how he does not like Italian food……. Was shocked because clearly he sucked it up for me because he never said a word. If you need some great places to eat while you have family in town or for a date night here are some of our favorites that we have eaten at in Seattle,” she wrote.
She & Jefferson Welcomed Their Most Recent Child in 2017 & Their Twins Girls Were Part of a Gerber Baby Competition in 2016
Nadia and Quinton Jefferson welcomed their youngest child, a son they named Yasin Muhammad Nadir, in December 2017. Around the time that the Jeffersons celebrated Yasi’s first birthday, Nadia decided to blog about the births of each one of her four children.
“Still to this day trips me out that I have carried four kids and that they are actually mine ALL mine! I know that I am very blessed and have had the chance to carry full term for all my pregnancies and have had all healthy babies. I have also given birth in each womanly way possible. Zoey was a natural birth (pushed her out), Charleigh and Quinn I had a c-section, and Yasi was a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). Ask me a question any question about birth I can probably answer it! Any way you get your child out and healthy into this world is an amazing thing there is no ‘wrong’ way to have your child, it is whatever YOU feel comfortable with. I am going to talk about what I FEEL the best was for me and in no way is it shaming anyone on how they have had their own child(ren). Because again it is what works BEST FOR YOU!” Nadia begins. You can read the full blog post here.
Back in 2016, the Jeffersons entered their adorable twin daughters, Quinn and Charleigh, into a Gerber baby photo competition. Quinton promoted their sweet picture along with a link to vote on his Twitter account. It’s unknown how far the girls went in the competition.
You can the photo below.
Meet Quinton Jefferson’s Wife Nadia & Their 4 Kids