Aaron Glenn Sends Strong Message to Lions During Interview Process

Aaron Glenn

Getty Aaron Glenn looks on during Lions vs. Bengals in 2021.

The Detroit Lions have a big week on tap with the Senior Bowl, and defensive coordinator Aaron Glenn has dual focuses given he will be interviewing for another vacant job while also getting a look at prospects and calling plays this week.

Glenn was on the field in Mobile, Alabama and spoke to the media after the first practice of the week for the American Team. Unsurprisingly, he was asked about interviewing for jobs in this cycle. Perhaps also unsurprisingly, Glenn was unfazed by the new opportunity.

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Speaking to the media after practice on Tuesday, February 1, Glenn was asked by the media about the experience of interviewing for jobs and his feeling about the process. While Glenn admits he has enjoyed the process, he reaffirmed his goals with the Lions when speaking afterward as ESPN’s Eric Woodyard showed in a tweet:

“Whenever my time comes, it comes. I think we all know that at some point in my career that’s what I want to do” Glenn admitted. “I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. I want to be the best defensive coordinator the Lions have ever had. So I look forward to that day when I become a head coach. The interviews are coming around and I am enjoying those things. They are fun. Get a chance to talk some ball and more or less get s chance to talk about the bigger picture which is a cool thing.”

Glenn has maintained that in spite of all the noise, he continues to keep his focus on the job at hand in Detroit, which is special to see. Even though he is looking at interviewing, he is also not losing sight of what his goals are with the Lions long-term. Many coaches would have one foot out the door immediately, but credit Glenn for understanding that he still has a big opportunity with the Lions.

Glenn Will Interview With Saints Wednesday

Last week, after the retirement of Sean Payton, it was revealed that Glenn was going to be a candidate for the Saints. This week, it was revealed by NFL Network reporter Ian Rapoport that interview will take place on Wednesday.

Glenn being in the mix in New Orleans is not a surprise, considering he was hired by Payton and managed to rise up through the ranks there, culminating in his appointment with the Lions. In spite of a rough season, Glenn managed to improve the Detroit defense in a big way and could be on track to becoming a great coordinator in time with the team.

Now, though, Lions fans will have to sweat out another coaching search with Glenn this week.

Glenn’s Career Biography & Highlights

At 49, Glenn took his time to get into the coaching ranks given his lengthy career in the NFL. After being a first-round pick of the New York Jets in 1994 out of Texas A&M, Glenn played eight years in New York before heading to his hometown Houston Texans from 2002-2004. He played for the Dallas Cowboys from 2005-2006, then finished his career with the Jacksonville Jaguars in 2007 and the New Orleans Saints in 2008. Glenn took some time off before jumping into his second career, where he started as a personnel scout with the Jets in 2012 and 2013, then advanced to coaching defensive backs with the Cleveland Browns in 2014 and 2015 before jumping to Sean Payton’s staff in 2016.

One of the most productive and durable players in his era during his time in the league, Glenn finished his career with 41 interceptions, 8 touchdowns and 634 total tackles. Here’s a look at some of his greatest hits in the league:

Glenn is thought to be head coaching material one day soon, but Lions fans will want that day to come later on. If he ends up sticking around, Lions fans can feel content they will be getting the best version of Glenn possible for 2022.

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