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Smark Rant: UFC 34 High Voltage

The Ultimate Fighting Championship 34:  High Voltage!

– Live from Las Vegas, NV.

– Your hosts are Mike Goldberg, Jens Pulver & Jeff Osborne.

Heavyweights:  Josh Barnett v. Bobby Hoffman

They tussle on the fence to start and Hoffman actually gets a takedown.  Barnett works well from the bottom, almost getting an armbar.  He tries for the kneebar, but Hoffman slips out and they return to standing again.  Barnett gets the takedown this time and quickly gets full mount, but Hoffman gets a nice reversal and ends up on top.  Barnett keeps trying for the arm, and the round expires.  10-9 Barnett there, he was clearly in control.

Second round and Barnett comes out swinging, then quickly gets a takedown off the fence.  He works the ground and pound, then passes into side control.  He throws some weak elbows, but can’t gain any significant traction there, so he just fires away with rights until Big John stops it.  Josh is starting to look like a star now.

Lightweights:  BJ Penn v. Caol Uno

Winner of this gets a shot at Jens Pulver.  Uno dives in with the flying knee, but Penn puts him down and DESTROYS him with rights to finish.  Take that, Uno!  Penn doesn’t even wait for the decision, and sprints back to the dressing room in a weird moment.  So yeah, it seems like Penn is for real.

Welterweight title:  Carlos Newton v. Matt Hughes

This ended up being a pretty famous fight.  Newton’s entrance, with WWE-style video wall and a model wearing the belt, seems a bit over-the-top for a sport that was trying to get taken seriously.  Still pretty awesome, though.  Hughes immediately takes it to the ground and tries to pass Newton’s guard.  Carlos actually manages to elevate himself on top and nearly gets Matt’s back, but a GIANT slam changes things again.  Hughes was just a monster at this point.  More very nice wrestling on the ground sees Hughes try for a guillotine while Newton reverses out and back into Matt’s guard again.  Hughes fights up and gets another punishing takedown off a pair of knees, and he starts to work the ground and pound from there.  Newton fights him off, and that’s round one.  Almost too close to call, but if I had to choose I’d go 10-9 Hughes.

Round two and Hughes takes Newton down again, but Carlos hooks him in a triangle.  Hughes powers him up and into the cage to counter in the craziest thing I’ve ever seen in the UFC, and then slams him to break the hold, knocking Newton out to win the title at 1:27.  However, Newton would later point out that Hughes was out due to the choke!  I smell a rematch.  That finish would actually be used by WWE a few months later, with Undertaker and Kurt Angle replicating it to show that MMA was becoming influential on pro wrestling.  And vice-versa, apparently.  Kind of funny to hear the announcers talk about what a huge upset this was, given that Hughes went on to seemingly hold the belt forever.

Heavyweights:  Ricco Rodriguez v. Pete Williams

Oh god, the Ricco era begins.  I’m dreading this whole upcoming stretch in the heavyweight division in general.  Ricco takes Petey down to start and demonstrates the fine art of lay-and-pray.  Williams escapes the boredom and almost gets a fluke armbar in the process, but Rodriguez will have no excitement in his fights.  He actually tries a kneebar, which is so ineffective that Williams almost looks amused by it, and then gets on top again as the round ends.  10-9 Ricco.

Second round and Ricco tries punching, but then goes to his back to draw Williams into the guard.  Pete gets the back, but Ricco reverses out and into side mount.  Williams makes it to his feet, but Ricco takes him down again and throws elbows from the top.  Rodriguez gets the back and finishes with strikes.  He’s just such a boring fighter.

Heavyweight title:  Randy Couture v. Pedro Rizzo

Rizzo gets a rematch from 31, as they really REALLY wanted to make him a star in the worst way.  Like really, when today would you see someone getting shot after shot despite never winning or coming close?  Especially someone as inconsistent as Rizzo?  They clinch and do some dirty boxing from there, but Couture powers him into the fence for the takedown.  He does some minimal damage from the top as the round ends.  10-9 Couture.

Round two sees Couture powering Rizzo down but not really staying busy from the top.  He starts throwing better shots and Rizzo has nothing, so Big John stands them up to check on a cut on Rizzo.  He’s OK, so it’s the end of the round from there.  10-8 Couture.

Third round and Rizzo is back in tentative mode now, afraid to engage, so Couture shoots and Rizzo is forced to block.  Rizzo finally starts throwing, and pulls guard on Couture as a result, but Randy puts him on the fence and tees off for the TKO win to retain.  You’d think this would be enough to convince them to stop giving Rizzo title shots.

In contrast to the last show, we’ve now got tons of time left.  Prelim time!

Middleweights:  Phil Baroni v. Matt Lindland

So now we’re into the prelims, although this should be a hell of a fight.  They fight from the clinch and Lindland gets the takedown and works from the top.  Back to standing and Lindland throws knees, but Baroni gets a strong series of rights in response.  They slug it out and Baroni catches him with that looks like a knockout shot, but can’t quite finish.  Lindland survives the round as a result.  10-9 Lindland, but that was nearly a Baroni win by KO.

Round two sees Lindland going back to the dirty boxing, then a nasty takedown when that doesn’t work.  He works hard from the top, clearly in control for the rest of the round.  10-9 Lindland.

Round three and Lindland wraps Baroni up on the fence and quickly gets the back from there.  He gets the hooks in, but Baroni switches it back to guard.  Lindland has total control on the ground, getting the back again, but Baroni hangs in there to his credit.  Baroni even reverses and gets the back himself, but Lindland reverses out of that and accidentally knees Baroni in the head for a foul.  Baroni takes advantage and beats the hell out of Lindland, but can’t finish as the fight ends.  With the foul, it’s close, and I’d have to go 10-9 Baroni there, made 10-8 by the point deduction.  That would make it a 28-28 draw.  The judges’ decision:  Lindland by split decision (29-28, 29-27, 28-28).  I don’t get how you get 29-28 with a point deduction.

Heavyweights:  Frank Mir v. Roberto Traven

We obviously know who became the star here.  Mir was a mere baby here at 22, not yet the shit-talking bad-ass.  Mir is apparently 247 pounds here, despite looking skinny.  Traven goes to the guard right away, but Mir gets up, puts him down with a right, and finishes with an armbar to kick off his UFC career.

Big comeback for the UFC after a subpar UFC 33 show!

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More Heavy on UFC News

Scott Keith is back with play by play and commentary for UFC 34: High Voltage. The card features Josh Barnett, BJ Penn, Matt Hughes, Ricco Rodriguez, Randy Couture, Pedro Rizzo, and Frank Mir.