Gerry Turner Told 1 of His Final 2 Women His Proposal Plans

gerry turner proposal

ABC Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist.

It turns out that one of Gerry Turner’s final two women was already aware of his proposal plans before the last episode of “The Golden Bachelor.”

Turner made the revelation in an interview with People Magazine. He told People that Nist already knew he was planning on proposing to her.

As fans of the show know, Turner did end up proposing to Nist, a New Jersey widow. In so doing, he left the other finalist, Leslie Fhima, broken-hearted. Turner broke the news to Fhima the final night they were together, instead of making her go through a final rose ceremony.

Turner and Nist have announced that they are getting married live on ABC on January 4, 2024.

Here’s what you need to know:

Gerry Turner Says He Told Theresa Nist ‘I’m Going to Ask You’ in the Fantasy Suites

Theresa Nist

ABCTheresa Nist

Turner told People Magazine that he informed Nist in the Fantasy Suite that he was going to propose.

“Part of our conversation in the Fantasy Suites [was] the first time really that I seriously told her that I loved her,” Turner told People. “It was almost an announcement of excitement. I said it three times in a row, ‘Theresa, I love you. I love you, I love you.’ And I go, ‘And I’m going to ask you to marry me. I don’t know if you’re going to say yes, but I’m going to ask you.’ So for me, when I got to the final episode and the engagement was about to happen, I was very confident that she was my person, 100 percent confident.”

Even so, Nist told People that she still wasn’t positive Turner hadn’t changed his mind when the time came. She did not know that he had already sent Fhima home in a tear-filled encounter.

Nist did not know “if she was the first person making that walk or the second person or the only person,” Turner told People.

“​​Not once did I think I was the only person,” Nist confirmed to the magazine.

“What they didn’t see in the Fantasy Suites was everything,” Nist told People. “When he presented me with the Fantasy Suite card, I was so enthusiastically accepting it because I really wanted to go in and delve deeper. And that’s what we did. It was the first time I really showed my true personality to him. He did know, but not as in-depth.”

Leslie Fhima Revealed That Gerry Turner Also Made a Number of Comments in the Fantasy Suites That Made Her Think She Was the One

Theresa Nist, Gerry Turner, and Leslie Fhima.

Heavy/ABCGerry Turner might get engaged on the finale.

In the live special after the final rose was revealed, Fhima had a chance to say some final comments to Turner. She challenged him on things that he said to her in their fantasy suite, also, indicating that his comments made her think that she was the one.

As fans know, Turner told Fhima he loved her and that she was the one during the course of the show.

However, Fhima told Turner during the broadcast that she would not reveal exactly what he told her in the fantasy suite.

“I just want to tell you, Gerry, that I fell in love with you for so many reasons. I really did. I mean, the way you looked at me and your eyes sparkled, the way her nose prickled when you talked to me, the way we made each other laugh all the time. You got my stupid humor. I was myself with you completely,” Fhima told Turner on air. “The most important thing I fell in love with was your integrity. And because of your integrity, your words meant so much to me. I didn’t take them for granted.”

As for what he said during the overnight date, she added, “I would never share that with anyone. It’s our private time. But those words gave me 100 percent certainty that I was your girl. And your words just meant so much to me, and that’s why I was blindsided. Because I wasn’t sure how it changed or what happened.”

READ NEXT: Leslie Fhima’s Son Likes Comment That Takes a Swipe at Theresa Nist.

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Gerry Turner Told 1 of His Final 2 Women His Proposal Plans

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