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WWE Extreme Rules 2014: The Results & Highlights You Need to Know

Now that WrestleMania XXX has wrapped up, the WWE has moved into a new phase that includes the push of a newer and younger crop of Superstars. Now we’ve arrived at WWE’s PPV…wait! We meant to say WWE’s “Special Event” Extreme Rules 2014. This show will be headlined by a huge six-man tag between The Shield and Evolution, John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt in a Steel Cage match and Daniel Bryan against Kane for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in an Extreme Rules match.

Check out all the live results and highlights below as they come!

Make sure you check out the live PPV Kickoff show on the WWE Network starting at 7:30 p.m. EST!

El Torito vs. Hornswoggle (WeeLC Match)

Winner: El Torito!

Best Moments/Highlights: El Torito and Hornswoggle started off the bout hot when Torito hit Hornswoggle hit with a head scissors. Torito went for a over the top rope plancha and hit the everyone of the outside. Hornswoggle went for a mid-rope splash but got denied by the ring ropes. Torito retrieved a small steel chair, which led to him hitting a Bronco Buster-like maneuver on Hornswoggle. Hornswoggle recovered and brought a ladder into the ladder into the ring. Hornswoggle’s daring body splash didn’t connect, though. Once Torito went to hit Hornswoggle with a Hurricanrana, ht got dropped with a Powerbomb counter. Things got hectic on the outside as the respective tag team supporters for both combatants began assaulting each other. Hornswoggle laid Torito on the little announce table and went through him with a stiff elbow drop. Hornswoggle tried to hit Torito with a chair, but he accidentally hit Heath Slater in the “sack” instead. Torito recovered and laid out Jinder Mahal and his own teammates after landing his team’s signature move on them through ladders and tables. Drew McIntyre tried to take out Torito with a plancha, but he went straight through a table. Torito became the victor after hitting a West Coast Pop-type finisher to Hornswoggle through a table.

Jack Swagger vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Cesaro (Triple Threat Match, Elimination Rules)

Winner: Cesaro!

Best Moments/Highlights: All three men exchanged blows, but RVD got taken down first by Cesaro and Swagger with a double shoulder block. Swagger powered down Cesaro afterwards with a powerslam. RVD got a quick kick in on Swagger, then launched Cesaro right onto a prone Swagger. RVD went for a body splash off the top rope, but got caught by Cesaro. Cesar caught a big boot from Swagger while he still had RVD in his arms. RVD dropped Cesaro on the outside with a sunset flip powerbomb, but then RVD got dropped with a lariat by Swagger. Swagger began working on a weak RVD while Cesaro was laid out outside the ring. When Cesaro made his way back into the match, he delivered the Big Swing to Swagger. RVD kicked Cesaro before he could finish his swing, though. Swagger took down RVD from the top rope afterwards and tried to make him tap to the Patriot Lock. Cesaro knocked down Swagger with a nice European Uppercut to break the submission hold. Cesaro brought Swagger back into the ring with a deadlift suplex, which was followed by RVD’s 5 Star Frog Splash and the 1st elimination of the match. Cesaro began to land his own set of suplexes on RVD once the match continued. Cesaro threw RVD into the ringside barriers for a bit until RVD countered with his signature kick to a prone opponent laid out over the barrier. RVD hit Cesaro with Rolling Thunder and a Split-Legged Moonsault, but Cesaro survived. RVD tried to bring a steel trash can into the fray, but got kicked in the gut by a Baseball Slide by Cesaro. Once RVD got a breather, he kicked the trash can right into Cesaro’s face. RVD went for a 5 Star Frog Splash, but missed Cesaro and landed face first into the trash can. Cesaro then smashed RVD into the trash can with his Neutralizer finisher.

Alexander Rusev vs. Xavier Woods and RTruth (2-on-1 Handicap Match)

Winner: Alexander Rusev!

Best Moments/Highlights: Xavier Woods and RTruth ran right into the ring, but Woods got knocked down by a quick Super Kick. Rusev then dropped Woods with a belly to belly suplex on the outside. Rusev turned his sights onto RTruth and began his vicious assault on him while Woods was incapacitated on the outside. RTruth got back in the match and launched into his signature moves in order to put Rusev away. Rusev couldn’t be stopped however, which led to Rusev landing a nice spinning back kick on RTruth. Rusev locked in The Accolade and made RTruth tap out soon after. After the match, Rusev hit Woods with a Fall Away Slam on the ring mats just for good measure.

Big E (c) vs. Bad News Barrett (WWE Intercontinental Championship)

Winner: The new WWE Intercontinental Champion, Bad News Barrett!

Best Moments/Highlights: Big E got his 1st bit of offense on Bad New Barrett with a strong shoulder block. Once the match left the ring, Big E speared BNB right into a steel ring post. BNB recovered and kicked Big E to the ring mats. BNB the channeled Cactus Jack by landing an elbow drop to Big E outside the ring. BNB tried to suplex Big E, but Big E overpowered him with his own suplex. BNB shook off the damage from that suplex, landed a suplex of his own and began to work over a prone Big E. Big E eventually began to regain his strength, which led to him supplying BNB with some nice suplexes and his signature comeback moves. Big E really brought the pain to BNB after he speared him right through the middle ring ropes. Big E went for his Big Splash, but got countered by BNB’s Winds of Change slam. BNB then landed his Wasteland maneuver on Big E, but Big E made his way out of a pin attempt. BNB tried to land his Bull Hammer on Big E, but Big E slammed him into the mat with a nice STO. Once both men hit the ropes, Big E got knocked down by a flying version of the Bull Hammer. BNB then scored the winning pin.

Evolution (Triple H, Randy Orton and Batista) vs. The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns)

Winners: The Shield!

Best Moments/Highlights: All six men ran head first into each other and started a big brawl, which The Shield got the better of. Seth Rollins and HHH were the 1st men to begin the six-man tag as the bell rang. Rollins took down HHH with a running dropkick, an elbow into the ring corner and middle rope plancha to him on the outside. HHH caught a distracted Rollins with a wicked lariat afterwards, which led to Batista entering the match. He began to lay in some shoulder thrusts to Rollins, then he tagged in Randy Orton for the fresh tag. Orton continued Evolution’s beatdown on Rollins and soon tagged HHH back in. HHH dropped Rollins with a knee to the face, tagged Batista back in and then let him do some more damage to an even weaker Shield member. Orton got back in and dropped Rollin’s midsection 1st into the top ring ropes. Orton tried to submit Rollins with a side headlock, but Rollins fought out of it and countered Orton with a Backdrop Suplex. Rollins tried to make the hot tag, but HHH and Batista knocked Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns off the ring apron. Rollins hit Orton with an Enzuguri, tagged in Ambrose and the action got even hotter with an Ambrose assault. Ambrose paid homage to Ric Flair by locking Orton in a Figure Four Leglock, but that hold didn’t last long after Batista’s interference save. Reigns threw Batista into the ring barrier, but later got laid out after HHH dodged his Spear attempt into the steel ring steps. Evolution then took back control of the match by beating down Ambrose. At one point, Ambrose hit Batista with a jawbreaker. But he soon got put back down with a Big Boot. Ambrose survived a Pedigree attempt after HHH got tagged in, which led to HHH catching a DDT. Ambrose tagged in a now healthy Reigns and the action got even more heated. Reigns went on a rampage, but got kicked in the gut by Batista. Batista went for his Batista Bomb, but Rollins went airborne and kicked Batista out of his hold. The Shield then landed their Triple Powerbomb on Batista, but only got a 2-count after HHH interrupted the pin attempt. HHH gave Reigns a Pedigree, but Batista only got a 2-count. Orton then gave Reigns an RKO, but Reigns kicked out again. The action spilled to the outside, which saw Ambrose run across the announce tables and launch himself into HHH and Orton. HHH, Rollins, Orton and Ambrose started to brawl all over the arena afterwards. Rollins gave the crowd a highlight moment when he jumped off the stand and splashed right onto HHH, Orton and Ambrose. Once the in-ring action began again, Batista hit a Spinebuster on Reigns. Reigns got back up though, hit a Superman Punch and speared him for the win.

Head to the next page for more WWE Extreme Rules 2014 results/highlights!

Bray Wyatt vs. John Cena (Steel Cage Match)

Winner: Bray Wyatt!

Best Moments/Highlights: John Cena started off the match with a headlock on Bray Wyatt, but he soon got put down with a lariat to the back of his head. Bray then launched into a flurry of punches, kicks and taunts on Cena to the delight of the crowd. Cena then recovered and landed a suplex on Wyatt, but was unable to escape after being cut off from leaving the cage by the other two members of the Wyatt Family. Bray caught Cena with a swift jab and then threw him face first into the steel cage. While Bray held Cena’s face on the cage, he commanded Erick Rowan to successfully land an elbow into Cena. Bray then splashed Cena while he was still locked onto the cage. Bray tried to escape, but Cena grabbed him and then threw Bray into the cage himself. Cena tried to escape once again, but was thwarted another time by the Wyatt Family. Bray continued to attack Cena as the crowd chanted for both match participants. Cena got his fire back after a prolonged beatdown and knocked Bray down with a dropkick. While Cena tried to climb over the cage, Bray came back to life with his creepy demon-like walk and tried to leave the steel cage door. Cena jumped back down to stop Bray, but soon got put back on the mat with a flying body press. Both men were eventually laid out after each man launched one another into the steel cage multiple times. Cena came back with a vengeance and soon landed his signature comeback offense on Bray. Bray managed to counter an Attitude Adjustment from Cena by climbing out of his hold and onto the cage. Cena grabbed him though and landed a Sitdown Powerbomb on Bray. Cena tried to escape, but he soon got into a steel cage door power struggle with members of the Wyatt Family. Bray hit Cena from behind, which led to Cena getting smashed in the face with the steel cage door. Bray brought Cena back in for some more pain, but missed a Senton attempt. Cena’s next steel cage escape attempt was stopped by Rowan as Rowan carried him back into the cage. Cena hit Bray with a flying Facebuster and tried to escape again, but was stopped by Luke Harper this time. Harper got dragged into the ring by Cena and more pandemonium ensued. Rowan forced Cena to stay in the cage after threatening him with a steel chair. Bray looked to finish Cena with the Sister Abigail, but he soon fell into Cena’s STF. Bray managed to escape that hold after Rowan’s continued assistance. Bray looked to climb out of the cage, but Cena brought him back to the mat with an Attitude Adjustment from the top rope. Cena’s pin attempt failed though due to Harper’s quick save for Bray. Cena began to battle Rowan and Harper while Bray was still down and soon he managed to make his escape through the steel cage door. The lights suddenly went dark and a creepy singing child forced Cena to stay in the ring. Bray surprised Cena with the Sister Abigail and got the win by leaving the cage.

Paige (c) vs. Tamina Snuka (WWE Divas Championship)

Winner: And still the WWE Divas Champion, Paige!

Best Moments/Highlights: Paige and Tamina Snuka started their championship bout by striking each other with stiff elbow shots and kicks. Paige soon got knocked off the top rope after getting caught with a Super Kick by Tamina. Tamina began her offensive portion of the match with knees to Paige’s back and several bodyslams. Paige soon recovered, kicked Tamina in the gut and rushed Tamina to the outside of the ring. Paige went for a Hurricanrana, but Tamina powered out of it and swing Paige’s body into the ring barrier. Tamina got overconfident and looked to land a Samoan Slam off the top rope. Paige saved herself and knocked down Tamina with a Sunset Flip Powerbomb. Tamina shook that move off though and hit Paige with a spinning side slam. Paige locked in the Scorpion Cross Lock on Tamina after a super kick counter, which resulted in Paige winning via submission.

Daniel Bryan vs. Kane (Extreme Rules Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship)

Winner: And still the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Daniel Bryan!

Best Moments/Highlights: Daniel Bryan wasted no time starting the match as he ran right into Kane during his entrance. Kane took Bryan down though and struck him with a Kendo Stick. Once Kane climbed the top rope, Bryan laid into him with a dropkick and a top rope Frankensteiner. Bryan then splashed Kane over the tope rope to the outside of the ring. However, Kane shook of the damage from that move and dropped Bryan onto the ring apron with a steel chair. Kane threw Bryan back into the ring, but he soon got put down again with a Kendo Stick strike from Bryan. Bryan’s lucky strike did little to put Kane down, which resulted in Kane doing a Sideslam to Bryan onto a steel chair. Bryan kicked out of a pin attempt and soon got Kane to his knees after smashing his head into a steel chair that was set into the ring apron. After Bryan vaulted through the ropes at Kane, Bryan used the announce table covers and cameras to begin punishing Kane. Kane fought the pain and soon hit Bryan with the same weapons he was assaulted with before. Kane tried to Chokeslam Bryan through one of the tables, but Bryan saved himself and landed a Tornado DDT on Kane on the outside. Bryan soon used his kicks to further damage Kane, but Kane once again revived himself and threw Bryan into the steel steps. Kane looked to incapacitate Bryan with a Tombstone Piledriver into those same steel steps, but Bryan countered that by smashing Kane’s head into the steel ring post. Bryan picked up a Kendo Stick and rocked Kane with it several times while both men battled up the ring ramp. The action soon spilled into the backstage area, which led to TV outlets and more equipment being used and abused. Bryan picked up a snow shovel and used it smash Kane’s shoulder into nothingness. Bryan looked to throw Kane onto the hood of a car, but Kane backdropped him right onto that same car. Bryan limped over to the trunk of a car and found a tire iron, which he used to put Kane out of his misery. Bryan re-used that tire iron and to force Kane into a deep slumber, which lead to Bryan sticking Kane on a forklift. Bryan chose to drive Kane’s unconscious body back into the arena. Bryan lifted Kane’s body and laid him into the ring. Bryan then did the unthinkable and head butted Kane off the high forklift platform, but only managed to get a 2-count. Bryan looked to KO Kane with his flying knee, but got stopped with a vicious chokeslam. Kane went for the winning pin, but Bryan surprisingly kicked out. Kane picked up a steel chair and tried to tombstone Bryan headfirst into it, but Bryan reversed Kane’s attempt and drove Kane’s head into it instead. After several chair shots from Bryan, Kane found himself locked in the “YES!” lock. Kane tried to force Bryan off with Kendo Stick strikes, but Bryan took the Kendo Stick and used it with his submission hold. Kane crawled out of the ring for the submission escape and caught Bryan with a chokeslam through the announce table after Bryan went for a middle rope vault. Kane brought a table into the fray and then poured gasoline onto it, which made the crowd go wild. Kane then lit it on fire and looked to put Bryan through it. Bryan saved himself, put Kane through the flaming table and laid him out with his flying knee for the victory. Kane hopped back up and was visibly upset after his loss to Bryan, which forced him to make his dreaded flames appear. Bryan looked on as Kane stared him down in disgust.

Match of the Night

Evolution vs. The Shield!

Head to the next page to check out the non-match moments/highlights of WWE Extreme Rules 2014!

Best Non-Match Moments/Highlights

• “Micro” Cole, Jerry “The Lil’ King” Lawler and “WeeBL”/”JB-Elf” (miniature versions of the current WWE announce team) handled the commentary for the WeeLC Match. There was even a midget ring announcer and lil’ referee on hand for the opening bout.

• Jack Swagger and Zeb Coulter spoke about their goals for the evening’s Triple Threat Elimination Match.

• Before Cesaro entered the arena, Paul Heyman couldn’t help but remind the live crowd who conquered Undertaker’s undefeated streak at WrestleMania.

• Stephanie McMahon had a face-to-face meeting with Daniel Bryan and spoke to him about how unstable and uncontrollable Kane can be. She gave Bryan the option of forfeiting the title belts to Kane, but Bryan respectfully declined. Stephanie made sure to diss Bryan and tell him he would become Kane’s bitch that night.

• A Bo Dallas promo aired.

• Alexander Rusev’s manager Lana dedicated her client’s match to Russian president Vladimir Putin, which led to boos and “USA!” chants from the crowd.

• The team of Evolution spoke about their ego’s and accolades in the backstage area while wearing their new brand of stable T-Shirt’s. They ended their promo by mocking The Shield’s fist bump and “BELIEVE!” slogan.

• Bad News Barrett addressed the live crowd with some “Bad News,” which consisted of a newfound sickness not being able to measure up to how sick Big E would be after losing the Intercontinental Championship.

• A promo aired for Adam Rose’s WWE RAW debut for the next episode.

• The young boy who helped Bray win his match was revealed to be “Little Johnny.” Bray then awarded him with his own celebratory mask.

Make sure you check out WWE Extreme Rules 2013.

Come back for more WWE PPV results for WWE Payback 2014 on June 1, 2014!


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