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WWE Hell in a Cell 2014: The Results & Highlights You Need to Know

WWE‘s most hellish structure is back to confine two warriors and punish their bodies! WWE Hell in a Cell 2014 is here and the massive steel cage will be seen on two occasions. John Cena will take on Randy Orton in the Hell in a Cell, while Dean Ambrose will attempt to torture Seth Rollins inside the same structure. Stay with us as we detail the event’s match/promo results and highlights!

Mark Henry vs. Bo Dallas

Winner: Mark Henry!

Results/Highlights: Once the bell rang, Henry ran at Bo and pounded him into submission with punches. Henry squashed Bo in the corner with a quick body splash. After ripping off Bo’s shirt, Henry locked Bo in the World’s Strongest Slam for the quick and easy win. After the match, Bo complained about Henry cheating (Bo just wasn’t ready). Henry made sure to exit the ring and slam Bo against the barricade.

Dolph Ziggler (c) vs. Cesaro (2-out-of-3 falls match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship

Winner: And still the WWE Intercontinental Champion, Dolph Ziggler!

Results/Highlights: The 1st fall saw Ziggler and Cesaro engage in some heated lockup exchanges. Cesaro powered out of Ziggler’s holds and eventually locked Ziggler in a stiff headlock. Ziggler fought out of it, but was quickly put down with a shoulder tackle. Cesaro locked Ziggler back in his tight headlock for a few extra seconds before Ziggler got out of it again. Ziggler and Cesaro then shared several near falls with each other before Ziggler landed a nice corners splash. Cesaro caught Ziggler with the Big Swing, but he got caught with a quick and successful roll up from Ziggler. The 2nd fall saw Cesaro rip into Ziggler with a nice European Uppercut and a double foot stomp to Ziggler’s gut. Cesaro went to land an elbow drop for the 2nd rope, but Ziggler dodged it at the last second. Cesaro quickly recovered and decked Ziggler with a swift right punch. Cesaro locked Ziggler in a arm lock/sleep hold hybrid for a while before Ziggler escaped once again. Ziggler ran in for quick arm DDT that seemed to do a nice bit of damage to Cesaro. Cesaro got back in the match by hitting Ziggler with a double foot stomp and a nice Snap Powerbomb. On the top rope, Cesaro looked to suplex Ziggler back in the ring but Ziggler laid out Cesaro’s injured arm on the ring ropes. Back in the ring, Ziggler locked on a nice submission hold. Cesaro managed to fight this submission hold by trying to power out of it with a suplex, but Ziggler continued to lock it in. Cesaro did the most amazing suplex ever by bringing Ziggler up to the rope while the submission hold was still locked in and landing a clean Superplex to Ziggler. After both men got back up, Cesaro missed a shoulder tackle to Ziggler and Ziggler countered with a quick Fame Asser. Ziggler went for his Zig Zag, but Cesaro pushed into the air and crushed him with another European Uppercut. A nice sequence of moves followed the pinfall attempt by Cesaro. It all ended with Cesaro catching a superkick and a Zig Zag. Ziggler won 2-0.

Brie Bella vs. Nikki Bella (Loser must become the winner’s personal assistant)

Winner: Nikki Bella!

Results/Highlights: Brie and Nikki locked up with tons of intensity and got into some heated strike exchanges. Brie landed a few dropkicks on her twin sister and landed a few quick near falls. Nikki fought out of a Brie roll up attempt by landing a nice Electric Chair Drop. Nikki worked over Brie with several chokes and slams, but Brie turned int around and made a nice comeback. Brie caught Nikki with a stiff knee to the face, which forced Nikki to exit the ring. Brie followed her twin sister outside with a middle rope plancha. Nikki re-entered the match by hopping back into the ring and eventually hitting the Rack Attack on Brie. Brie managed to kick out of the following pin attempt and lock Nikki into the Yes Lock. Nikki escaped and stiffed Brie with with a hard elbow. Nikki then landed a 2nd Rack Attack and scored the winning pinfall.

Goldust and Stardust (c) vs. The Usos (Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso) (WWE Tag Team Championship)

Winner: And still the WWE Tag Team Champions, Stardust and Goldust!

Results/Highlights: Stardust and Jimmy started things off with a quick sequence of arm drags and strikes. Jey got tagged in and caught Stardust with a nice elbow into the corner. Stardust escaped the wrath of The Usos and tagged in Goldust, but Jey put him down with a quick elbow strike. Jimmy returned to the ring to land some nice double move exchanges on Goldust. As Goldust was getting beat down, Jimmy tried to throw him into Starudust’s corner but he was countered. Stardust grabbed Jimmy’s legs and flung his injured leg into the steel ring post. Both Dust Brothers then began tearing into Jimmy with bodyslams and constant submissions. Jimmy fought out of a submission and Bulldog attempt by dropping Stardust on his back. Jimmy also made sure to fling Goldust over his back to the outside of the ring. One Jey got tagged back in, he vaulted over the rope on two different occasions on both Goldust and Stardust. Jey landed several big moves on Goldust, such as his uppercut and Samoan Slam. Goldust soon made his way back into the bout by landing a nice spinebuster on Jey, but he only caught a 2-count. Jey kept his spirit alive and countered Goldust’s next move attempt with a Superkick. Soon, everyone ended up on the top rope. The Usos landed double superplexes on both Dust Brothers. The Usos hopped back up to the top rope, but Jey was the only one who got in a nice top rope splash. Stardust interrupted the next pin attempt. Stardust kicked out Jey’s legs while he was holding up Goldust. Goldust capitalized on it and finished off Jey with his twisting brainbuster.

Head to the next page to get more match results/highlights from WWE Hell in a Cell 2014!

John Cena vs. Randy Orton (Hell in a Cell Match; winner becomes the new #1 contender for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship)

Winner: And the new #1 contender for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, John Cena!

Results/Highlights: Orton and Cena started off their bout with a punching contest. Orton quickly whipped out a steel chair, but Cena stopped Orton from using it. Cena landed a suplex that only managed to keep Orton down shortly. Orton picked up the chair and slammed it right into Cena’s ribs. Orton landed a DDT right after Cena looked to land an Attitude Adjustment later on. Orton brought Cena near the cage and rubbed his face into the harsh Hell in a Cell. Orton then continued to work over Cena by landing a few strikes and a nice clothesline. Orton then taunted in front of the vivacious crowd before turning around to meet a Cena clothesline. Orton fought out of a pin attempt and responded to Cena with more vicious attacks. Orton pulled Cena to the outside once again and flung him right into the cell. Back in the ring, Orton locked Cena in a chinlock. Cena then made a triumphant comeback by landing his signature sequence of moves. However, Orton stopped Cena’s Five Knuckle Shuffle with a gut kick and a powerslam. Orton then went for his ring apron DDT, but Cena recovered and backdropped him to the outside. Cena threw Orton’s back into the cage two times before Orton picked Cena up and drove his groin first into the steel ring post. As Cena hung on, Orton hit his signature neckbreaker on the outside. Both men continued to tear into each other by throwing each other into the cage. Cena got the better of it and brought in a table to the ring. Cena looked to put Orton down with an Attitude Adjustment through the bale, but Orton fought out of it and landed a dropkick. Orton then threw Cena into the corner ring post while a steel chair was laid there from before. Cena soon made his back into the match by launching into his signature. Then out of nowhere, Cena got caught with an RKO after trying to go for a shoulder block. Orton only got a 2-count, though. Pissed off by Cena’s resilience, Orton threw Cena right through a table set up in the ring corner. Orton then spent his time sticking the bottom pair of steel ring steps into the ring while Cena was still laid out. Orton went for an RKO on the steel steps, but Cena hit his spinning back suplex on Orton on those same steel steps. Cena then hit his Five Knuckle Shuffle while Orton was still laid out on the steel steps. Cena went for for another AA, but Orton struck him down with a low blow. Orton went for his head punt, but Cena moved out of the way and locked in his STF. Orton crawled out of the ring to escape and narrowly dodged a steel ring step that was thrown in his direction by Cena. Orton ran back into the ring and was caught off guard with an AA. Orton kicked out, though. Once Cena went for another AA, Orton fell into a RKO counter. Cena kicked out himself. Cena landed another AA on Orton, but only managed to get another 2-count. Cena got desperate and pulled in another table and headed to the top rope to land his top rope leg drop, but Orton got up and stopped Cena. Orton headed back up the rope, but was finally put down with a top rope AA right through the table.

Sheamus (c) vs. The Miz (WWE United States Championship)

Winner: And still the WWE United States Champion, Sheamus!

Results/Highlights: Sheamus immediately went for his Brogue Kick, but Miz moved out of the way. Sheamus went right into mashing Miz down with repeated strikes (of course, Mizdow mimicked miz’s beatdown the entire time). Miz used his stunt double to get in the way of Sheamus and managed to get his offensive in. Miz used this time to keep Sheamus down with a bunches of punches and kicks here and there. Miz blocked off Sheamus with at several intervals with a few punches and even a DDT. Sheamus got distracted at several points by Mizdow, but he eventually caught Miz with his signature offense. Miz went for a top rope double axe handle but he was met with a sudden Brogue Kick. After the match, Sheamus had some fun with Miz and his stunt double as he put Miz through more punishment. Of course, Mizdow copied everything he did and even danced the YMCA dance. Sheamus landed a final Brogue Kick to put down Miz for good.

Big Show vs. Rusev

Winner: Rusev!

Results/Highlights: Big Show wasted no time in demolishing Rusev as he ran at him with several stuff punches. Rusev pushed Show away and got out of a chest chop by chopping Show in the throat. Rusev then injured Show’s ankle and slamming it down onto his shoulder. Rusev shocked the crowd by hitting Show with a suplex and even a nice dropkick. Rusev worked on Show’s injured leg for a while, but Show managed to lock in a surprising Hass of Pain submission hold on Rusev. Rusev made his way out but Show cut him back down with a bunch of moves including a spear. Show went for his chokeslam, but Rusev kicked him away. Rusev went for a superkick, but Show dodged him and then dropped Rusev with a chokeslam. Show only got a 2-count, though. Rusev fell to the outside and almost caught the wrath of a nearby Mark Henry. Rusev caught a distracted Show with several superkicks and even knocked down Henry. Rusev finally locked in his Accolade submission hold for the tap out victory. Henry’s distraction led to the Show’s downfall, it seems…

AJ Lee (c) vs. Paige (WWE Divas Champion)

Winner: And still the WWE Divas Champion, AJ Lee!

Results/Highlights: AJ and Paige got into an intense lockup session and then got into a back and forth move exchange. AJ got the better of it all though with her by landing a Lou Thesz press on the outside. AJ looked for a 2nd Lou Thesz press but Paige caught here by her legs and spun her into the ring barrier two times. Paige then pushed AJ into the corner and landed some nice back elbows and then locked her into a submission. AJ got her way back into the bout by stuffing her knees into a charging Paige and landing a nice sequence of moves on her. Paige made a comeback after stiffing AJ with a superkick. Once Paige locked AJ into her arms, she skipped around with her prone body before dropping her with a fall away slam. On the outside of the ring, both women fought near the ring barrier. Paige got tripped up by AJ and landed back first onto the ring barrier. Once AJ got Paige back into the ring, AJ locked in her Widows Peak submission for the win. After the bout, Paige blamed Alicia Fox for her loss.

Head to the next page to get the match results/highlights from WWE Hell in a Cell’s main event!

Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins (Hell in a Cell Match)

Winner: Seth Rollins!

Results/Highlights: Dean shocked the crowd and made his way to the top of the Hell in a Cell before Rollins made his way to the ring. Rollins brought out Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble with him to demand that Ambrose get off the top of the HIAC. Rollins stalled and looked like he was going to climb the cage, but he then demanded that Mercury and Noble climb up the cell to retrieve Ambrose. Both men did manage to climb up their way to the top of the cell with Ambrose and were met with Keno Stick shots for their troubles. Rollins snuck up behind Ambrose while he was fending off the two stooges and laid out Ambrose with his own Kendo Stick. Ambrose fought back into the match, pushed off both stooges and got in a suplex to Rollins right on top of the middle cell structure. Rollins started climbing back down the cell with Ambrose in hot pursuit right next to him. As both men smashed each other’s heads into the cell, Rollins and Ambrose fell right off onto the two announce tables beneath them. EMT’s rushed out to recover both men after their epic spills to the tables below them. As the EMT’s pulled both men away, Ambrose got loose and ripped Rollins out of his stretcher. Ambrose threw Rollins face first into the cell and began punishing him former friend inside the locked structure. Ambrose then picked up a steel chair and repeatedly cracked it over Rollin’s back. Ambrose looked to use a screwdriver on Rollins’ face, but Rollins fought him off with a neckbreaker on the ring ropes. Ambrose quickly recovered and landed a running dropkick to Rollins right into the nearby cell doors. Ambrose picked up a table and looked to throw Rollins through it, but Rollins escaped Ambrose’s grasp. Ambrose caught a prone Rollins on the outside with a middle rope vault. Back in the ring, Ambrose and Rollins looked to suplex each other onto a pile of chairs. Rollins got the better of this exchange by landing a back suplex on Ambrose right onto the steel chairs. Rollins looked to suplex Ambrose onto a table laid outside the ring, but Ambrose fought him off and laid him on in himself. Ambrose then landed a top rope elbow drop right through the table. After both men got to their feet, Ambrose grabbed up Rollins for more punishment. All of a sudden, Kane made an appearance and sprayed a fire extinguisher into Ambrose’s face. Rollins used this distraction to powerbomb Ambrose through a nearby table. Rollins put Ambrose back into the center of the ring and hit his Curb Stomp, but he only managed to get a 2-count. Rollins grabbed a steel chair and exacted the same damage done to him on Ambrose. Rollins tried to Curb Stomp Ambrose on the MITB briefcase, but Ambrose moved out of the way at the last second. Rollins hit him with an enzuguri, but Ambrose shrugged it off and landed a nice lariat on Rollins. Ambrose brought in a pair of cinder blocks and looked to smash Rollins head through it when suddenly, the lights in the arena went dead. Once the lights came back on, Bray Wyatt appeared through a cloud of smoke and tackled Ambrose. Wyatt landed into his spider crawl and slammed Ambrose down with a Uranage. Rollins then crawled over and nabbed the final pin. After Rollins left the ring, Bray landed his Sister Abigail to the displeasure of the crowd.

Head to the next page to read all about the non-match moments/highlights from WWE Hell in a Cell 2014!

Match of the Night

Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins!

Best Non-Match Moments/Highlights

• Damien San…well, Mizdow invited The Miz to his initial airing of Mizdow TV. The Miz made sure to mention his strategy for his United States Championship bout with Sheamus. Mizdow mentioned that he technically defeated Sheamus until The Miz shot him a dirty look and made him change that statement to Mizdow being the 1st stunt double to beat Sheamus. Mizdow wanted Miz to know that he looked to him as his best friend, while Miz let Mizdow know that he was the best stunt double ever. Sheamus popped up and made sure to talk about him winning the championship bout tonight.

• Paige spoke backstage about her upcoming bout with AJ. Her crazy accomplice Alicia Fox was on hand to help her crazy ally speak about her plans for winning tonight.

• As The Authority spoke in the back, Randy Orton came looking for SetH Rollins for what he did to Orton last Monday night on RAW. HHH made sure to remind Orton that him and Rollins are pretty similar in their Alpha Male personalities. HHH hyped up Orton for his big match with Cena.

• Big Show got hyped backstage with his boy Mark Henry about his big patriotic bout with Rusev.

• Nikki put her twin sister Brie to work already as they went to the backstage area. Nikki poured some yogurt on Brie in a very heelish move. Brie’s getting tortured already as her job as Nikki’s personal assistant.

• Dean Ambrose told the crowd that Seth Rollins would be the best selling Halloween costume. He promised the crowd that he would mess up Rollins face so bad that he’d look like like a decaying zombie afterwards.

Come back for more WWE PPV results for WWE Survivor Series 2014 on November 23, 2014!


More Entertainment News

Check out this results and highlights roundup of everything that went down during WWE's Hell in a Cell 2014!