‘Big Brother’ 2021: Episode 14 Recap

Big Brother 23

CBS Tonight on "Big Brother", the winner of the season's first HOH endurance competition will be revealed.

In tonight’s episode of “Big Brother“, the results of this week’s Head of Household competition will be revealed.

The endurance competition played out on the live feeds directly after Thursday night’s episode. Now that the teams twist is over, only the HOH will be safe for the week and there will be no Wildcard competition tonight.

Who is the new HOH? And who is on the block this week?

Follow along with our live coverage of tonight’s episode below.

Do not keep reading if you do not want to read spoilers of tonight’s episode

8:03 PM ET: It’s raining on the houseguests as they hang onto the wall for dear life. We finally get to see the results of Thursday’s HOH endurance comp.

8:04 PM ET: Xavier doesn’t want to win HOH this week. He’s already won once and knows he isn’t in danger this week. However, he also doesn’t want to be accused of throwing it so he’s holding on.

8:05 PM ET: Ooooh, Derek F. is down after nine minutes.

8:06 PM ET: Neon green slime splurts all over the houseguests. It’s supposed to be vomit from seasick boat passengers above them.

8:08 PM ET: Sarah Beth feels safe enough this week and is struggling. She falls and Hannah falls immediately after her.

8:09 PM ET: Kyland is down. Aaaand so is Britini.

8:10 PM ET: Tiffany is rooting for Alyssa to fall.

8:14 PM ET: Azah is down.

8:15 PM ET: Aww poor Christian, he says he feels safe this week with everyone left in the competition. Little does he know he’s a target for this week. Tiffany is down too and wants anyone but Alyssa to win.

8:16 PM ET: Alyssa is trying to make a deal with Derek X. to get him to drop. But he won’t do it. So instead she makes him promise her safety for the week and then drops.

8:18 PM ET: Xavier knows he shouldn’t win another HOH this early in the game. He asks Derek X. to promise him safety for the week and then drops.

8:19 PM ET: Derek X. wins HOH! And he and Hannah share a pretty intimate victory hug/roll around in the slime.

8:20 PM ET: It’s a little late for Xavier to ask Derek X. for safety for his entire team, but he does. He can’t keep all the Kings and The Cookout safe! Make up your mind, X.

8:24 PM ET: Derek X. is weighing his nomination options. He’s leaning towards either two former Jokers or taking a shot at the Kings.

8:25 PM ET: Hannah and Derek X. celebrate DX’s HOH in the storage room. Derek X. tells Hannah he’s not going to put up Xavier or Alyssa, as promised.

8:27 PM ET: Sarah Beth tells her teammates that she doesn’t think Derek X. is going to target them. She also explains that she and Hannah had a conversation before the last eviction. In the conversation, Sarah Beth told Hannah that she has no plans to target her and actually wants to work with her.

8:30 PM ET: Tiffany and Derek X. discuss backdooring Christian with Hannah present. But Tiffany mentions The Royal Flush right in front of Hannah. Oops!

8:31 PM ET: Hannah asks Derek X. who is in The Royal Flush. He tells her that it was just a fake one-week alliance and he thinks she bought it.

8:33 PM ET: This information slip was a big mistake on Tiffany’s part. It might cause Hannah to lose some faith in her.

8:38 PM ET: Azah admits that she can’t hide when she’s angry. Her face gives everything away. Derek F. is trying to give her lessons in fake niceness.

8:40 PM ET: “This isn’t a Big Brother burger joint. You can’t just come back and add to your order.” – Derek X. on Xavier trying to add to their safety deal after the competition was already over.

8:41 PM ET: Derek X. tells Xavier he’s staying true to his word when it comes to keeping him safe but doesn’t promise safety for all the Kings.

8:43 PM ET: Derek X. asks Sarah Beth if she’d be comfortable being a pawn this week and she says no.

8:49 PM ET: Derek F. snoring montage!

8:50 PM ET: Derek X. knows that if he wants Christian out, he’ll need to do it via the backdoor. Derek F. is encouraging Derek X. to go after whoever he thinks is the biggest threat to his game.

8:52 PM ET: Derek X. doesn’t want to irritate the Jokers too much by nominating two of them. So he’s thinking he’ll nominate just one of them.

8:53 PM ET: Hannah tells Derek X. that she thinks Christian would target him. She also suggests using Sarah Beth as a pawn because even if SB did go home, that would be good for her game as well.

8:57 PM ET: It’s time for the nomination ceremony.

8:58 PM ET: Derek X. has nominated Sarah Beth and Britini. Deja vu for Britini.

9:00 PM ET: Christian is frustrated with Derek X. for nominating a Royal Flush member.

Tune in for a new episode of “Big Brother” on Wednesday, August 11 at 8 PM ET.

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