‘Big Brother 23’ Week 2 Power of Veto Competition Results

Big Brother 23 Kyland

Youtube Head of Household Kyland played in the veto competition this week, along with his two nominees and three other houseguests.

Head of Household Kyland has chosen his nominees and we now have the second Power of Veto winner of the summer.

So who played in the POV competition, who won, and will the Power of Veto be used this week? Read on to find out.


Who Played for the Veto?

As usual, the Head of Household (Kyland) and the two nominees (Frenchie and Britini) played in the veto. Three other houseguests were also selected by random draw. Those three players were Claire, Derek X., and Alyssa. Not great news for Frenchie since all three players picked have voiced concerns about Frenchie’s erratic gameplay.

Derek X., who has already won a POV competition, told Kyland that he would consider throwing the competition to him or Alyssa, as long as there was no chance of Frenchie winning.

The Results

Derek X. won this week’s veto competition, meaning he has won POV two weeks in a row now. This could put a target on his back if he’s seen as a competition beast. Winning too many POVs could also make Derek X. more likely to get backdoored.

After the competition, Alyssa told Frenchie on the live feeds that she’d made a fool of herself on national TV during the competition.

Will the Veto Be Used?

Shortly after winning the POV, Derek X. privately joked to Kyland that he was going to use the power to take Frenchie off the block. This was a clear joke, and both Derek X. and Kyland laughed. It’s almost a guarantee that Derek X. will not use the veto this week and nominations will remain the same.

With Kyland’s nominations, Frenchie was the target and Britini was the pawn. It was a strategic move for Kyland to nominate Frenchie alongside one of his fellow team members. Of the jokers, Derek F. is still close to Frenchie but Azah is aware of his unpredictable behavior.

It may seem like Frenchie is going home this week without question. However, “Big Brother” fans know all too well that they should always expect the unexpected. It’s possible that some people will want to keep him around to have a big target in the house.

Frenchie Is Still Campaigning to Stay

At this point, almost everyone has talked to Kyland about not trusting Frenchie. However, Frenchie is still trying to convince people that the real threats in the house are Whitney, Christian, and Brent.

On the other hand, Frenchie is also trying the strategy of telling people he’s ready to go home and see his kids. It almost seems like he’s trying to pull off a reverse psychology move similar to Dr. Will telling everyone he would throw every competition if they kept him in during “Big Brother 7.” From what we’ve seen so far though, Frenchie’s social game isn’t exactly on par with Dr. Will.

Find out who is going home during this week’s live eviction, Thursday, July 22 at 8 PM EST on CBS and Paramount Plus.

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